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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Watch Gamescom right here! PS4 launches 15th November NA/ 29th November EU! That's it for the Vita? Vita HW/Memory price cut!


Are you ready?

Are you ready for love? 32 17.78%
Yes I am! 44 24.44%
Should be good. 17 9.44%
Eh...seems a bit boring. 26 14.44%
Not interested. 42 23.33%
See results 16 8.89%

Oh no, they used Metacritic as a metric. Gaming is officially doomed.

14 day trial for PS+ I believe.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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Conegamer said:

Out of curiosity, what's your opinions on the Vita now?

In respect to what, the announcements?

Euphoria14 said:
So far I am completely underwhelmed by Gamescom as a whole...

Shadow of the Beast is the only thing that has WOWED me.

Man that Killzone SF multiplayer gameplay looked GREAT....went away from KZ 3 and back to the EPICNESS that was KZ 2 can't wait to get my hands on that!!!

And of course the game I am most hyped for Infamous SS looks AMAZING as always!

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

Wait, did I hear that correctly? AssCre 3 is coming to plus?

PS One/2/p/3slim/Vita owner. I survived the Apocalyps3/Collaps3 and all I got was this lousy signature.

Xbox One: What are you doing Dave?

Around the Network

It looks like we're done with the 1st party side of things. At least, for now.

Onto 3rd parties, namely, Ubisoft.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Did he just say Black Fag ?

tuscaniman99 said:
Well there are 15 of your exclusives for the first year you can add to the list.

no.  they said 20 first party exclusives first year and 40 additional games with exclusive experiences...

S.T.A.G.E. said:
sales2099 said:

Thats a misconception, given how the PS brand evolved because of 3rd party retail, AAA, gamepad exclusives. PS3 made it with 1st party retail, AAA, gamepad exclusives. PSN never had the selling power of XBLA this gen, as their best games were critically acclaimed but never had the selling power of XBLA heavy sellers, nevermind Minecraft.

Seems PS mega hype throughout the years are defined by console heavy hitters from my criteria. MGS4, LBP, Uncharted 1-3, The Last of Us......

These indie showings strike me as padding, to buy time for their big guys to make those games of the 5 criteria. Many of them are still recently finishing or done PS3 versions, they need time to ramp up their first PS4 game.

Of course it grew off of third party titles. It also grew off of second and first party. Microsoft grew off of third party titles as well but at least Sony met gamers half way. 

1st/ point still being that digital/indie games are largely not a big part, at the least not currently a defining part, of the PS brand.

This all strikes me as padding until the big guns are within launch.

Xbox: Best hardware, Game Pass best value, best BC, more 1st party genres and multiplayer titles. 


It seems that Vita is just a weight for Sony. They clearly are focused in PS4 only.