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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CBOAT is a dirty liar!: PS4 late October, One SDK not ready yet (hence delay), Platinum Games making exclusive for One?

Sal.Paradise said:

Lol at anyone still doubting Cboat.

edit - I'm gonna be really bummed if it's Vanquish 2, but Platinum is a strange dev to moneyhat considering...their only big IP has already been moneyhatted, lol. Rising 2 I suppose is a possibility, but would he not mention Konami if it was? And why would it be 'Japan only'? Maybe he just means targeted at the Japanese IP? Looking at shipment numbers for Wonderful 101, that doesn't seem worth moneyhatting either. 

Possibly, but it's kind of hard to imagine what that would be. The typical Platinum game is very Japanese but also so niche that it doesn't really sell well anywhere, including Japan. So... I dunno. Kinect waifu touching game or something?

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Seece said:
What is MOBA???

Multiplayer Online Battle Arena game like DOTA, DOTA2 and League of Legends.

zumnupy10 said:
JWeinCom said:
zumnupy10 said:
JWeinCom said:
... I'm not sure what Platinum could be up to that would make people more upset than Bayonetta. What other big IPs do they have?

It's beyond me Why anyone would be upset because of Bayonetta.

Cause Bayonetta was boring and sold reasonably bad?


90 average metacritic and close to 2 million in sales.  While the game may not be good enough to earn your highly sought after approval, clearly a lot of people liked it or noone would be upset about it being a Wii U exclusive.

walsufnir said:
Sal.Paradise said:
walsufnir said:
Sal.Paradise said:
Lol at anyone still doubting Cboat.

that's a lonely lol


majority ofpeople know him by now andthus won't doubt him

You'd think, wouldn't you

Slimebeast said:
lol I would love Microsoft to release a Kinect-less Xbone in early 2014 out of desperation, thereby destroying their whole strategy that wanted to avoid a fragmented user base.

It would be so typical of Microsoft. Mistake after mistake with Xbone.

Also that "Big Park" studio canceling a MOBA game and doing TV instead. Such incompetence to do a 180 turn like that.

And funniest of all, they've had 8 years to prepare for a console launch and they can't even release in all major markets simultaneously.

I think they didnt even consider thinking about a new console early enough by the sounds of things.

About 1.5 years.. maybe a year ago, there were rumours that MS were ahead of Sony in many aspects, game development for starters, but also how far they were in developing the console. But within the last year everything has flipped around... nothing people are hearing show MS to be anything but in a right old mess. To be honest its pretty shocking. So imho something must have happened in that time to make them suddenly go from Hero to zero.

I am even more convinced now since the reduction in market delivery, seemingly lower stock than Sony, the box is massive compared to the Sony (more powerful?) device and an external power supply..... and the talk of "we have a larger box to accomodate airflow so it doesnt over heat, oh if it does overheat we can reduce the speed of the processer". Something is not right in all of this imho.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

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Japanese Xbox One games? I thought they weren't even launching in Japan this year. As in I'm pretty damn sure they aren't.

Before the PS3 everyone was nice to me :(

badgenome said:
Sal.Paradise said:

Lol at anyone still doubting Cboat.

edit - I'm gonna be really bummed if it's Vanquish 2, but Platinum is a strange dev to moneyhat considering...their only big IP has already been moneyhatted, lol. Rising 2 I suppose is a possibility, but would he not mention Konami if it was? And why would it be 'Japan only'? Maybe he just means targeted at the Japanese IP? Looking at shipment numbers for Wonderful 101, that doesn't seem worth moneyhatting either. 

Possibly, but it's kind of hard to imagine what that would be. The typical Platinum game is very Japanese but also so niche that it doesn't really sell well anywhere, including Japan. So... I dunno. Kinect waifu touching game or something?

I'd buy that.  I'm a sad lonely bear.

gooch_destroyer said:
I hope that the other Japanese developer isn't Atlus. Persona 5 on Xbox One would piss me off.

The funny thing is Atlus made Shin Megami Tensei: NINE for the Xbox only for Japan.

Leadified said:
gooch_destroyer said:
I hope that the other Japanese developer isn't Atlus. Persona 5 on Xbox One would piss me off.

The funny thing is Atlus made Shin Megami Tensei: NINE for the Xbox only for Japan.

I didn't know that lol....How well did it do?

theprof00 said:
JayWood2010 said:

So from this we should know

1. Xbox One is getting a Platinum Exclusive
2. Xbox One is getting Japanese exclusives
3. PS4 is releasing in October
4. Microsoft's best talent is in Black Tusk Studios
5. Big Park Studios is focused on TV
6. Rare is focused on Kinect

While  these are plausible why would this guy know about what is going internally at studios he does not work for?

are you doubting the buttocks? He's been the sole leaker of lots of previously unknown confirmed rumor.

Yeah they have a list of the stuff he "confirmed" and a lot of it is common sense shit.

1. He said Battlefield 4 wasn't a timed exlcusive for XB1 - Well no shit

2. He said Mass Effect 4 and Dragon Age wasn't an XB1 exclusive - Well no shit

3. EA dropped online passes because of MS DRM - No way to prove it, but this is used to boost his leaks for whatever reason

4. Black Tusk IP is behind in development - No way to prove it, but is used tp boost his leaks for whatever reason

Now there is no way to prove Microsoft is having yeild issues and that is why they delayed in 8 countries. Yet people are throwing around the word confirmed. I am sorry, but WHAT? Regardless of this guys track record it will take a little more than just words on a screen to confirm many things like this.