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theprof00 said:
JayWood2010 said:

So from this we should know

1. Xbox One is getting a Platinum Exclusive
2. Xbox One is getting Japanese exclusives
3. PS4 is releasing in October
4. Microsoft's best talent is in Black Tusk Studios
5. Big Park Studios is focused on TV
6. Rare is focused on Kinect

While  these are plausible why would this guy know about what is going internally at studios he does not work for?

are you doubting the buttocks? He's been the sole leaker of lots of previously unknown confirmed rumor.

Yeah they have a list of the stuff he "confirmed" and a lot of it is common sense shit.

1. He said Battlefield 4 wasn't a timed exlcusive for XB1 - Well no shit

2. He said Mass Effect 4 and Dragon Age wasn't an XB1 exclusive - Well no shit

3. EA dropped online passes because of MS DRM - No way to prove it, but this is used to boost his leaks for whatever reason

4. Black Tusk IP is behind in development - No way to prove it, but is used tp boost his leaks for whatever reason

Now there is no way to prove Microsoft is having yeild issues and that is why they delayed in 8 countries. Yet people are throwing around the word confirmed. I am sorry, but WHAT? Regardless of this guys track record it will take a little more than just words on a screen to confirm many things like this.