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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CBOAT is a dirty liar!: PS4 late October, One SDK not ready yet (hence delay), Platinum Games making exclusive for One?

ryuzaki57 said:

pezus said:

The game is not for North America or Europe, which makes no sense but whatever.

come again?

Also how can Platinum turn their back to the millions of future PS4 owners? Have they lost their mind?

Oh man, I wish we would've had the same internet back when Square announced FF7 for PSX... The internet would have exploded back then.

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Sony will reach certain parts of Europe before Microsoft and they will touch the American market ahead, giving them even more commercial time to make a mark. Microsoft needs to make a lot of promise commercials to people to throw this off.

Some GAFers are really creatives.

And CBOAT stuffs start to get confirmed.

Geoff said there is a showcase but no press conference... so no streaming.

I just want to see this new Platinum exclusive.

It's just that simple.

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ethomaz said:

And CBOAT stuffs start to get confirmed.

Geoff said there is a showcase but no press conference... so no streaming.

Wonder what the news is overnight? A new game/exclusive or the launch date?

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

ethomaz said:

And CBOAT stuffs start to get confirmed.

Geoff said there is a showcase but no press conference... so no streaming.

so crazy they aren't having a conference.  it's like they don't want to succeed. even if MS isn't out in all markets we're ~3 short months from launch and still hardly have any details about the system(s).  the beans need to start spilling, am i right?! 

kitler53 said:
ethomaz said:

And CBOAT stuffs start to get confirmed.

Geoff said there is a showcase but no press conference... so no streaming.

so crazy they aren't having a conference.  it's like they don't want to succeed. even if MS isn't out in all markets we're ~3 short months from launch and still hardly have any details about the system(s).  the beans need to start spilling, am i right?! 

I think with Mattrick leaving, the person in charge needed to fix a lot of his mess.  When they went to E3 they came in with confidence, when they left on the other hand.  They're probably re-organizing.

Besides Bayonetta, the only big IPs Platinum develops (that anyone really cares about)are MGSR and Vanquish. At one point they were going after the Darksiders IP but I think that went to Nordic Games....

What could it be?

This know, I am honestly just plain not worried about next gen. I mean, I didn't like the first half of this gen, with Microsoft basically bribing/blackmailing everyone into forced multiplats or making exclusive content, the wii's dominance, and PS3's utter failire. the beginning of this generation was not a good time to be fond of sony.

But now that Gen 7 is nearing its conclusion, I can say with utter certainty that I know where my money will be going. Nintendo dropped the ball in the later half, but that just means tread with caution, and that Nintendo games are worth having the system for, even if that's all you get. Microsoft had an outstanding first few years, but after the initial wave and they had a steady lead, they kinda gave up. 2010-2013 were just terrible for the Xbox 360 outside of the Halo, Forza, and Gears games.

sony has proven beyond a reasonable doubt that they are marathon runners, not sprinters. It was true with the PS1, it was True with the PS2, and it was especially true with the PS3. None started off particularly strong, but the releases were steady and always of high quality. The PS3 is the only system that has anything of note this year (or last year, really, and it had the strongest lineup by far the year before), and looking at what the PS4 does...well, I can safely say without any insecurity or need to poke or prod, that Sony has the next gen in the bag.

I'm not worried about launch dates or launch releases, because I know that, even if Microsoft has a solid release schedule, in the end, the PS4 will be where to go, even with their controversial decision to make online play have a fee.

I don't even know whyI'm bringing this up. I'm just calmly confident in my decision to get a PS4 and WiiU. My confidence and happiness in that decision has led me to feel I've transcended the console wars. I harbor no ill will towards microsoft, only a healthy skepticism. The last two gens have made me wary of Microsoft's offerings, and the build up to the Xbox One's launch has me worried as hell that they don't know what they want to do with the console, and the constant changes and rumors of delays and issues makes me think we'll have a RRoD 3.0 on our hands. I don't hope they fail, but right now the indicators aren't looking positive. Like a smart gamer, I will wait, and I urge everyone to do the same, be it with the PS4 or the XB1. Wait and see. Me? I've already made up my mind and three generations (nearly 20 years) of quality playstation loyalty has rewarded me in the end. Until they fuck up REAL bad, I will continue to go with them.

Microsoft, please, get your shit together. I woul dlike an Xbox One. I would not, however, like a Kinect. I really, really don't like Kinect. it's boring as shit and rather cumbersome. Besides, I'd rather that spot above my TV be for the WiiU's sensor bar.

Just rambling. Looking forward to a late august PS4 launch. Looks like I'm gonna be starting my collection with Assassin's Creed IV, Killzone Shadow Fall, Battlefield 4, and Call of Duty Ghosts.

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