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Forums - Gaming Discussion - CBOAT is a dirty liar!: PS4 late October, One SDK not ready yet (hence delay), Platinum Games making exclusive for One?

pezus said:
JWeinCom said:
... I'm not sure what Platinum could be up to that would make people more upset than Bayonetta. What other big IPs do they have?

They don't really have many big IPs, but their games are often loved by some hardcore forum goers (hence the reactions). It could be Vanquish 2 or a new IP.

Vanquish is not as big as Bayonetta and people wouldn't get too upset about a new IP.

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yo_john117 said:
How legitimate of a source is CBOAT? I'm guessing he knows his stuff (especially since most of what he said makes sense). Interesting read. I wasn't aware that MS was doing that bad with trying to get The One all finalized. Sony really does have them in this aspect.

if the esram rumor is true, microsoft won't be able to ship as much as sony at launch


yo_john117 said:
How legitimate of a source is CBOAT? I'm guessing he knows his stuff (especially since most of what he said makes sense). Interesting read. I wasn't aware that MS was doing that bad with trying to get The One all finalized. Sony really does have them in this aspect.

He's as good as it gets. Only mistakes he makes are when things change behind the scene.

Only big IP that was made by Platinum to make meltdowns would be an exclusive MGR 2 I think.

So it is happening...PS4 preorder.

Greatness Awaits!

I really, really hope PS4 launches in October. I don't want to have to get my games on PS3 then transfer over to PS4. I've got 100+ games on PS3, I'd like to get a nice, early start to my PS4 collection.

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MS money hatting Japanese devs again huh?

....not Platinum :(...oh God...please be untrue....!!!

No live stream for real reasons. Xbone architecture is still not full complete.

Wait, what? They are still working at the architecture and thus have SDK-issues? Man, MS, what's going on? :)
To me the launch will be easily owned by Sony, MS is a mess currently. It won't matter in the long run but this is really disgusting. Mattrick didn't do a good job, obviously.

JWeinCom said:
... I'm not sure what Platinum could be up to that would make people more upset than Bayonetta. What other big IPs do they have?

None. Moneyhatting a Platinum game makes zero sense. Moneyhatting it for Japan only, even less so as their games sell even more poorly in Japan as elsewhere.

pezus said:
This confirms that MS's reasons for delaying One in those 8 countries were bullshit, as expected. They are having trouble making them

Yes, that was obvious. Localization issues, pff. But if they are still working on the architecture it's clear they won't make enough boxes for launch.