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Forums - NSFW Discussion - Males of vgchartz: How soon in a relationship do you expect...


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Ha anal before sex.

What you reading or watching some porn that has the girl think that somehow anal sex is a way to preserver her virginity till marriage or something?

You will not find many woman even willing to do anal, let alone before normal sex.

Euphoria14 said:
bananaking21 said:

yes you did! and nothing will ever erase that, ever..... EVER! it is stuck in history that you just had a conversation about my millimeter monster!


and its nice to see its time for you to go to bed right after you talk about a strangers junk on the interenet. hmmm i wonder whats up with that

"I'm not a gay"

Wow!  You two are already having an argument.  It's like you're in a relationship already.

Adinnieken said:
Euphoria14 said:
bananaking21 said:

yes you did! and nothing will ever erase that, ever..... EVER! it is stuck in history that you just had a conversation about my millimeter monster!


and its nice to see its time for you to go to bed right after you talk about a strangers junk on the interenet. hmmm i wonder whats up with that

"I'm not a gay"

Wow!  You two are already having an argument.  It's like you're in a relationship already.

Yeah, we like to hit the ground running. No need for the honeymoon phase. Get right to the fighting.

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Final Fantasy VI (iOS), Final Fantasy: Record Keeper (iOS) & Dragon Quest V (iOS)     


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finalfantasystud said:
God you wonder why us gamers get called nerds. seriously anal? lord have mercy you damn kids these days trying to turn girls into sluts and then you call them a slut for it...Fuckin retards.

Easy friend.  You sound...


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Dating or relationship?

Dating first date making out. Second date fool around(at the very least). Third ate definitely get it on.

Relationship, starts with a kiss. 2 weeks at the latest for full blown sex. 3-4 months for anal.

Intel core i7 930 OC @ 4.0 ghz

XFX Double dissipation Radeon HD 7950 356 bit 3gb GDDR5 OC @ 1150 MHz core + 1575 x 4 memory

Triple channel DDR 3 12gb RAM 1600 MHz


it happens when it happens

irstupid said:
Ha anal before sex.

What you reading or watching some porn that has the girl think that somehow anal sex is a way to preserver her virginity till marriage or something?

You will not find many woman even willing to do anal, let alone before normal sex.

Interestingly, I knew of a guy (the boyfriend of a friend of a girl I knew) who wouldn't masturbate because it was wrong and disgusting, but only had anal sex with his girlfriend.

So, there are some girls out there that do, and this was long before it became a porn thing.  Actually, before it became a porn thing, there were the 90's.  In the 90's MTV's The Real World introduced to most of rural America the idea and acceptance of no-sex sex that was beginning to go around US high schools in heavily urban areas.  That is, having oral or anal sex instead of vaginal sex.

Prior to this, anal sex was consider either sadomasochistic or gay.  Oral sex was taboo, and similar to what anal sex is today.  Guys wanted it, but girls rarely did it.  And "good girls" never did.

dont do relationships..

hit up a girl in the club/bar and get her really drunk. take her home. they like to sleep for a long time so make sure you get up early and tell her that she needs to leave because you need to be at work soon. if she wants to get in contact make sure you get her number and not the other way around. then she cant contact you and you wont look like a douche.

also if you dont feel like wearing protection wait to bring up the subject untill at home. then ask if she is on the pill because you are out of condoms (they are all on the pill... to prevent some mythological monster or something from appearing so dont worry).. by then you have already gone too far so that she will no longer be put off by it...

of course you need to be careful. there is a lot of disgusting diseases out there, so make sure to find a classy looking one (not that you should go for anything else anyways) but still isnt a total prude.

next week repeat the aforementioned process.

now this might seem a bit dickish, but you get what you want and you dont need to endure the drama from a long term relationship. also believe it or not.. it is cheaper this way (depending on your country's beverage prices)

happy hunting.

curl-6 said:
Snesboy said:
Pfft. Protected sex is for wusses.

Cos HIV, Hepatitus C, Gonorrhea, Chlamydia, Syphilis, Genital warts, Herpes and unwanted pregnancy are so much fun.

Condoms don't protect against STDs bro.