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dont do relationships..

hit up a girl in the club/bar and get her really drunk. take her home. they like to sleep for a long time so make sure you get up early and tell her that she needs to leave because you need to be at work soon. if she wants to get in contact make sure you get her number and not the other way around. then she cant contact you and you wont look like a douche.

also if you dont feel like wearing protection wait to bring up the subject untill at home. then ask if she is on the pill because you are out of condoms (they are all on the pill... to prevent some mythological monster or something from appearing so dont worry).. by then you have already gone too far so that she will no longer be put off by it...

of course you need to be careful. there is a lot of disgusting diseases out there, so make sure to find a classy looking one (not that you should go for anything else anyways) but still isnt a total prude.

next week repeat the aforementioned process.

now this might seem a bit dickish, but you get what you want and you dont need to endure the drama from a long term relationship. also believe it or not.. it is cheaper this way (depending on your country's beverage prices)

happy hunting.