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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Evaluation of the current Nintendo community on VGC

RolStoppable said:

spurgeonryan's recent thread about Nintendo making a comeback on VGC made me wonder about how good of a Nintendo community we actually have here. This thread's purpose is to pass judgment on people, meaning anyone who posts in this thread will be judged. If you can't handle the truth, stay out!

Users will be put in various categories which are as follows:



Nintendogs: They are big Nintendo fans and also big contributors, meaning they post regularly and a lot.
Nintenpuppies: They too use Nintendo systems as their main gaming platforms, but post infrequently or stay under the radar.
Friendly Folks: They may or may not play Nintendo systems, it certainly isn't their main focus. Occasionally they are on the anti-Nintendo side of an argument, but they are good people in general.
Enemies of the Mushroom Kingdom: These people are not our friends and must be approached with caution.
Unknown: New users and other people that not much is known about.

Thread will be updated periodically.


curl-6 - Obsessed with graphics. Gets easily offended by cats.
MDMAlliance - Loves to argue with idiots only to be brought down to the same level.
noname2200 - Insults people in original ways. Was believed to be Rol's alt account.
osed125 - Has a sick bunny fetish.
RolStoppable - Insane ego. Even more overrated than Sony's first party games.
superchunk - Very delusional. Believed in good third party support for the Wii U.
TheLastStarfighter - Also delusional. Thought the Wii U would be a hit.
zorg1000 - Fights the good fight, but tends to forget to bring the right weapons.


Arius Dion - Eagerly awaits the day we wake up from the nightmare the industry currently is.
Baddman - Knows that a car that goes at a speed of two miles per hour won't kill a human being.
bobgamez - One of two people who want a Nintendo phone.
burninmylight - Used to be respectable, then it turned out that he is a Vikings fan.
Maris - Is one sexy beast. Rawr!
POE - Was surprised that Rol is a Nintendo fan.

Friendly Folks

BasilZero - Will buy a 3DS two months from now, because it's always two months from now.
Blacksaber - Can't let Sega go.
green_sky - Notices hypocritical behavior in the gaming community.
JayWood2010 - Unbiased gamer. "Secretly" favors Microsoft.
KingdomHeartsFan - Is mad at Nintendo for making games that people want to buy.
Mad55 - Tales of fan. Posts insightful comments like "LOL".
Mythmaker1 - Lives up to his name.
VGPolyglot - Believes that Sebastian Kramer is real.

Enemies of the Mushroom Kingdom

Mummelmann - First and foremost a PC gamer. Can lash out, depending on his mood.
S.T.A.G.E. - Reasoning with him is like juggling nitroglycerine. It will blow up in your face eventually.
think-man - Used to be a notorious offender, then he met the moderators.



Defenders of truth and justice, land of the free home of the whopper because ...America fuck yeah: *


*fixed. :)

Around the Network

I would also like to submit an evaluation. Nintendopie  Was obviously right and I was obviously wrong. I will forever be a lesser being than them. (6/16/13)

Otakumegane said:
I would also like to submit an evaluation.

This is where you would be put:

RolStoppable said:

curl-6 - Obsessed with graphics. Gets easily offended by cats.

Guilty as charged.

I have a a weird relationship with graphics; I love to talk about them, as I find it theoretically interesting, yet when I'm actually playing games I don't care so much. For instance, I love many games with shit graphics.

curl-6 said:
RolStoppable said:

curl-6 - Obsessed with graphics. Gets easily offended by cats.

Guilty as charged.

I have a a weird relationship with graphics; I love to talk about them, as I find it theoretically interesting, yet when I'm actually playing games I don't care so much. For instance, I love many games with shit graphics.

Ah, but do you like shit games with great graphics?

Bet between Slimbeast and Arius Dion about Wii sales 2009:

If the Wii sells less than 20 million in 2009 (as defined by VGC sales between week ending 3d Jan 2009 to week ending 4th Jan 2010) Slimebeast wins and get to control Arius Dion's sig for 1 month.

If the Wii sells more than 20 million in 2009 (as defined above) Arius Dion wins and gets to control Slimebeast's sig for 1 month.

Around the Network

Even though I have been here for years and even participated in a few of the MK7 tournaments, I generally post very infrequently so I doubt I will get any classification other than "unknown" .

Who is John Galt?


3DS Friend Code : 2535-4338-9000 

AMD FX 8150 , 8 GB DDR3 Kingston Memory,  EVGA GTX 560 TI 2 GB superclocked, Samsung 256 GB SSD

Arius Dion said:
curl-6 said:
RolStoppable said:

curl-6 - Obsessed with graphics. Gets easily offended by cats.

Guilty as charged.

I have a a weird relationship with graphics; I love to talk about them, as I find it theoretically interesting, yet when I'm actually playing games I don't care so much. For instance, I love many games with shit graphics.

Ah, but do you like shit games with great graphics? (Like Sony fans do? : )

What are those "shit games" with great graphics that Sony fans like?

Arius Dion said:
curl-6 said:
RolStoppable said:

curl-6 - Obsessed with graphics. Gets easily offended by cats.

Guilty as charged.

I have a a weird relationship with graphics; I love to talk about them, as I find it theoretically interesting, yet when I'm actually playing games I don't care so much. For instance, I love many games with shit graphics.

Ah, but do you like shit games with great graphics?

Ugh, never.

Couldn't stand games like Heavy Rain and Final Fantasy 13 that looked pretty but played horribly.

Well this is pretty funny, go ahead and judge me if you can. I doubt it'll be ture because I don't post here much.

Deyon said:
Arius Dion said:

Ah, but do you like shit games with great graphics? (Like Sony fans do? : )

What are those "shit games" with great graphics that Sony fans like?

