Mummelmann said:
John Lucas; everyone here knows the gist of what I've been saying in here, Nintendo not following market movements, failing to read the market, especially in the West, they need to stop relying solely on tradition etc. All that nonsense I've been spouting. Guess who very recently said the exact same things, almost as if he read my posts and had an epiphany? CEO of Nintendo Corporation, Mr. Satoru Iwata is in full agreement with my assessment going for quite some time and ever since before the Wii U launched. How's that for a prophet?  Notice that he never once puts the blame on consumers being stupid or 3rd parties playing politics, it's all in your head. Have that seat, as you say. VitroBahllee: you, sir, have climbed all the way towards the very top of my favorite users list in only a few days, your posts are immensely funny and well written! Kudos! 
Kaizar: You should stop arguing in here and on this topic, you're making less and less sense and there wasn't much to begin with. Please understand.
It seems you've won. Congratulations. That being said, I hope you realise that JL wasn't alone in his forecast of Nintendo doing decent this fiscal, right? Several analysts just a couple of months ago was convinced Nintendo would at the very least ship 6 million WiiU units. You ask why they would do such a forecast? Like JL, i suppose they thought Nintendo had something big for the 4th quarter (jan-march) and Nintendo would be able to cater to the family market like they always do during the 3rd quarter (oct-dec). They probably where also aware of Nintendo's upcoming immense marketing budget for the period.

As it turns out, those efforts to raise awareness didn't help much at all; the family market didn't bite, the Nintendo fans didn't bite, and Iwata's recent revisal of their forecast suggest they have absolutely nothing up their sleeve for this fiscal year. This also means they will have almost no 3rd party support for the first half of calendar 2014 to raise momentum, and they will not be able to support WiiU with 1st and 2nd party exclusives on a monthly basis like they've been doing with 3DS.
In conclusion; they will not be able to build any sort of momentum between jan-june, and they know it. They simply do not have the resources to deliver AAA games on a monthly basis like with 3DS, so how could they build momentum? JL most likely banked on Nintendo being able to replicate the 3DS strategy and transfer it to WiiU. As it turns out - they just can't.
Nothing short of an Angry Birds/Wii Sports/Minecraft phenomenon can save WiiU in the short term. Without something like that, WiiU will go nowhere.
Edit: JL isn't drdre. Here's some quotes from a well known someone belonging to the world of wrestling:
"Dwanta Claus is comin' to town…
Posted this last Christmas. Awesome memory.
Can't top this gift, so its Burger King & iTunes gift cards for mom this year…
"Positive energy and intensity have become my teams DNA as they work tirelessly to delivery an epic movie.
Proud of my make up artists "Sticazzi" Matteo & "I Just Burnt My F*cking Eyelashes" Rob.
Our jokes are DIRTY and our passion is STRONG."
"Abhijeet flew all the way from India to Budapest in hopes to meet me and say how much I inspire him (He also wouldn't say goodbye w/out giving me a big ass hug;).
Can't express enough what encounters like this mean to me. Little do these men & women (and kids) know, I ALWAYS walk away just as inspired & grateful. Thank you.
I will now go do something TOUGH & BAD ASS cause this post is getting way to sensitive and I'm feeling like the manly version of Oprah."
I hope this gives you people a hint of what JL has really been doing:D