JohannStrauss said: They didnt fired Iwata when the 3DS was selling horribly, cant see they doing it now because of the Wii U.
3ds was never selling terribly. just not as good as ds. 3ds was never losing bucketloads
JohannStrauss said: They didnt fired Iwata when the 3DS was selling horribly, cant see they doing it now because of the Wii U.
3ds was never selling terribly. just not as good as ds. 3ds was never losing bucketloads
The Tale of the Benevolent Dad of Nintendo & The Very Naughty Children of Third-Parties
Part III - The Dad's Secret Weapon - The Soothsayer Fan Neighbor
The Third Party children were hunkering down with their new Middleware Pooch, happily cranking out game after game and bringing them to market, while good Daddy Nintendo stuck to his guns and produced quality craftsmanship, creating works so wondrous and perfect that nobody understood or really enjoyed them (NintendoLand, Wonderful 101). Just then, he overheard a ruckus outside. Going to his big fatherly window, he espied some of the neighbor kids standing on their lawn, calling out for all the world to hear.
"There are those who say the benevolent Father who lives in this house," here the children pointed at Big Daddy NinNin's home, "has lost his way. That he no longer produces pleasantry for the people! If you'll stop and listen to me for forty five minutes rambling on in a novella length screed I've pulled from my sainted ass, I will SHOW you that Ol' Pappy Nintendo is really none other than FATHER NINTENDOMINATION!"
Big Pop Nintendo-man laughed, gripping his fat belly as it jiggled and wriggled. Young lads like this neighbor folk were exactly how Nintendo knew his masterfully laid-out plan to destroy all other companies - all while looking like he was selling less than his competitors by far - would truly come to fruition. With the young neighbor proselytizing to those who had lost the faith, Dear Father Nintendo knew his herd of sheep-like third-party children would soon come back into the fold. So he could murder them and put them out of business forever.
The young neighbor children didn't always sound too clear on that: was Daddy Nintendo going to take back his flock of departing, wayward third-party children or slaughter them like helpless goslings? Nintendo, sitting back down at his workstation, decided it didn't really matter so much. No specific fact really mattered. All that mattered was his SUPER SECRET PLAN, which is already starting to work.
"I'll lure those third-parties and other consoles into a false sense of complacency, by hemorrhaging money," he chuckled, putting the finishing touches on a game by carefully slicing off anything resembling achievements, "then I'll produce a one-two punch that is sure to stop them in their tracks: I'll have the worst second-holiday console sales in Nintendo history and THEN have my shares shed a fifth of their value in a few hours when I cut my FY 2013 consoles sales forecasts down to less than a THIRD of what I've maintained for an entire year!"
Father Daddy Nintendo laughed and laughed, to the point where spittle flecked his old white beard. To the point where he began to scare himself. To a point where he could not stop.
"Oh yes," he said, through the laughter that was echoing off the walls of his empty house, "they won't know what hit them, will they? My plan..." he guffawed, "is already working!"
He glanced at the pale reflection of his haggard face in the window as the neighbor child, across the lawn, cried "Nintendo will sell 240 million consoles IN TWO DAYS!"
"Yes," said Daddy Nintendo, still laughing, tears streaming down his cheeks, "already working."
Part I - "The Naughty Kids of the Third Party Set Out on their Own"
Part II - "In Which the Soda Can of Server Offloads is Guzzled and the Fried Rice of Frame Rates is Munched Down"
Seece said: Yes JL, the situation is MAGICALLY going to change. Second holiday and it's still pushing sub Gamecube levels, yet something? (We don't know what, you won't tell us) is going to change that ![]() In other news. Nintendo expects 2.8 million Wii-U sales down from 9 million and 3DS from 18 million down to 13.5 million. |
Whats magically going to change things for a 180, is the 6 million global hardware sells per Console.
Marketing & advertising & hype lose all of their power, and consumers become in complete control of the Video Game system seeks, of that Handheld/Console. (for video game systems)
5.X million seem like they might be watery territory for marketing & etc., while 6 to 8 million is when hype & etc. lose all power for global Hardware sells.
The PS4 currently has no worthwhile exclusive content, while the Wii U is fully loaded with more to come in the near future.
As a bonus, everyone in VGChartz say they won't buy a 3DS and/or Wii U until sometime during 2014.
Altogether, 2014 looks like a great year for Nintendo, especially April to December.
Either way, seeing is believing about anyones prediction, and for predictions of up to now, the pro 3DS and pro PS4 people are right, or right enough.
zorg1000 said:
We all know sells won't stay at their current pace for each and every video game system.
They will either go to one direction or another.
Kaizar said:
Marketing & advertising & hype lose all of their power, and consumers become in complete control of the Video Game system seeks, of that Handheld/Console. (for video game systems) 5.X million seem like they might be watery territory for marketing & etc., while 6 to 8 million is when hype & etc. lose all power for global Hardware sells. The PS4 currently has no worthwhile exclusive content, while the Wii U is fully loaded with more to come in the near future. As a bonus, everyone in VGChartz say they won't buy a 3DS and/or Wii U until sometime during 2014. Altogether, 2014 looks like a great year for Nintendo, especially April to December.
Either way, seeing is believing about anyones prediction, and for predictions of up to now, the pro 3DS and pro PS4 people are right, or right enough. |
Can't even decipher half of that.
PS4 will have worthwhile exclusives come, ones that will sell the system more than 1st party SW on WiiU has.
Most of the naysayers predctions have been true so far, so we're in a position to say things won't get better based on little to nothing. What you're saying has no basis whatsoever and is purely hope.
Kaizar said:
They will either go to one direction or another. |
You actually the 3DS to start doing better than the DS? Based on what? Hopes and dreams? Every single piece of information we have shows the that the 3DS won't even come close to the DS lifetime sales. And the WiiU over 120m? The hell? If you're to post the worst predictions ever then create some sort of argument to back it up.
And since you asked here's my prediction numbers:
PS4: 75-90m
XBO: 40-60m
WiiU: 25-30m
Vita: 20-25m
3DS: 80-90m
It's still too early to give decent predictions for PS4/XBO since we don't know how they're going to stabililze. These are extremely premature numbers for those consoles.
Sigs are dumb. And so are you!
JGarret said: John, here´s Malstrom´s latest article about the awful news from Nintendo today: "Read it and see. Of course, readers of this page knew that 3DS and Wii U would be disastrous even before their launches. This is from Iwata Asks. You will read it and see Nintendo’s sick, sick 3d obsession. Iwata Just like Miyamoto-san said, for a while after the Nintendo DS and Wii systems came out, we didn’t attempt much with 3D aside from the Shigureden exhibit. As we approached development of our next handheld gaming device and considered the possible technologies, one of the developers said, “What about trying 3D?” Listen… MiyamotoJust when 3D had slipped our minds, a staff member said, “You know, 3D is a possibility.” ItoiWas that someone untraumatized by past experiences with 3D? IwataYeah. (laughs) Someone unacquainted with the pain, if I am to follow your phrase. MiyamotoYeah. (laughs) ItoiI had a hunch. (laughs) IwataAfter all, we had undergone some painful experiences in our efforts at 3D, so we’d grown somewhat reluctant. ItoiI would think so. And you’d just had two big hits with Nintendo DS and Wii, so you might have preferred to leave well enough alone. MiyamotoBut that timing was not bad at all when we thought about it. The basic elements of Nintendo 3DS build upon those of Nintendo DS, so simply updating to the newest technology would naturally improve upon the graphics. The resolution would go up and the depictive capabilities would go up. In other words, we could create lots of images and display them. But if we just made a product with evolved graphics for creating pretty pictures, the product would end up being a machine anyone can create. It’s not Iwata that needs to be fired, it is Miyamoto. Miyamoto is the vision behind the 3DS (and probably Wii U as well). You can see that the idea was to take the DS and cram 3d into it because Nintendo has a sick, sick obsession with 3d. Iwata even admits that every time they try 3d, there is immense pain for the company. Miyamoto does not care. He pushes it to go ahead. The result is nearly destroying Nintendo’s handheld market. The Wii U interviews only hover over the technical issues of the system. It’s clear there is no philosophy behind the Wii U. It is just a HD Gamecube with a ‘pad-like’ controller. It is not a solution to many problems but many solutions searching for problems. Then they made a lazy 2d Mario with NSMB U. Ugh. I think Miyamoto should get most of the blame. Miyamoto is a Board Member and was the ‘visionary’ behind the 3DS. Somehow, I’d like to blame this on Aonuma too. You know during the Wii Era, it was Aonuma who revealed what Nintendo almost came up with for the Wii design. It was a Gamecube like console with a touchscreen in the controller. I remember reading it at the time and thinking, “Man, if Nintendo did that, they would have been in BIG TROUBLE! Thank goodness for the Wii.” So then Nintendo makes the Wii U, and it was clear this was going to be a disaster. The Wii U design is probably because Nintendo couldn’t think of anything better so they went with the discarded plan they had for the Wii. I think people calling for Iwata’s head are being pre-mature. You can only get rid of someone when you have someone to replace them. The skills of a game console head are numerous, vast, and rare. Iwata was put in because of his development history but because of how he turned HAL around. Any future president would first be groomed with the Corporate Planning Division as Iwata was starting in 2000." |
The 3DS is outselling all other video game systems every single week, and there is nothing Sony & Microsoft can do about it.
3D is here to stay, so get over yourself. You are just selfish.
By the way, have you seen how well 3D has been doing since October 2013?
NOT Pre-October 2013.
Fusioncode said: Oh so the great John Lucas graces us with his presence once more. All while refusing to talk about the WiiU's complete collapse in Japan, even though he ASSURED us the revolution had begun over there. How about we take a look at this Lucas' excellent predictions shall we? The Wii would sell at least 240m units The PS3 would end in 2009 and Sony would exit the hardware business The PS3 will lose MGS4 exclusivity (He was really confident about this one) MGS4 won't even come to the PS3 Microsoft will discontinue the 360 in 2009 and create a new console The Wii will continue to sell out everywhere until late 2011 at the earliest Xbox 360 won't even come close to 90m lifetime The 3DS will sell 50m units by the end of 2013 The WiiU will sell 12m by the end of 2013 And that's just what I found after 20min of searching, I bet there's way more insane predictions out there. |
That just means that literally none of us believes in John Lucas basic specific predictions, LOL but true.
Kaizar said:
3D is here to stay, so get over yourself. You are just selfish. Enjoy. By the way, have you seen how well 3D has been doing since October 2013? NOT pre-October 2013. |
It hasn't been doing anywhere near as well as Nintendo hoped. They expected it to sell 18m this fiscal year.
Sigs are dumb. And so are you!
When a Video Game System hits 6 million in Global Hardware Sells, things change drastically for either better or worse.
And it always comes down to what is currently available, plus what's coming out in the next 3 to 6 months.
Sorry if you don't get any of this. But I'm letting you know how this industry seriously works like, 100% of the time for the past many years.
And personally, I don't think the PS4 & ONE will reach 80 million each, because of lack of breakdowns, and lack of needing more then 500 GB model of the systems.
I think the Wii U will get over 90% of the people who bought the Wii, plus a lot of people who didn't buy a Wii. Plus people can now play most 3rd party games on the Wii U like Assassin's Creed and etc. etc. etc. (for lifetime sells being over 120 million for Wii U)
The only factor I don't know about is the, when will they get around to buying the system.
I also believe that a lot of people haven't yet, gotten around to buying a 3DS/3DS XL yet, but diffenitely will. Plus I also believe that people who never bought a DS will buy a 3DS, like we have already been seeing for the first time ever. Plus the actually multimedia features like 3D Camera for recording 3D videos and taking 3D photos, plus the digital & physical 3DS copy of full 3D Movies from Warner Bros. & Dreamworks & Disney. (for some of my explanation about the 3DS over 200 million lifetime sells)
I also believe that the PS Vita will eventually stop getting decent content for Nihonjin gamers, and just die out one way or another. (so I will probably change my prediction to less then 30 million lifetime sells, now)