I almost regret having spent so much time in here arguing what is plain for everyone to see and what was always going to happen. I hope to at the very least have given some reasonable explanation as to why I think things are going the way they are with each console.
I actually do think this thread will go down in history, it's been linked all over the web, even on German site;
That OP in that thread seems to have misunderstood me though; he's implying that my arguments revolve around the Wii U being Nintendo's demise, when all I've said and keep saying is that the console itself has no future on the market due to lack of basic appeal and will force them to jump into the 9th gen first. The rest of them don't seem to take to the whole concept and angle of the UNITY's creator's arguments though, and this is even a Nintendo fan site.
That history I mentioned, the legacy of the OP, will only make him look silly for all eternity and one can only hope that he doesn't pull this stunt anywhere else. He was at several other forums first, got banned from a couple of them for various reasons, mostly for derailing and steering arguments off topic on purpose due to a lack of a proper case.
Here's one place he hung out;
http://nerdmentality.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=29295&start=60 Read the post by ZachityZach, it's more or less the exact same recipe going on the 8th year, this is what I'm talking about when I say that JL hasn' learned anything for a long time and he's never changed his tactics.
That's just random joystiq stuff, he's been pretty hell-bent on killing Sony and promoting Nintendo for quite some time now.
He also has a very professional relationship with his job as a writer for popzara.com, claiming that he was the site, not unlike when he claims to own the sole rights to the truth in this very thread.
See, he's been doing this for a very long time and he won't stop, if he were to leave this forum, he'd go into a new one and start all over again with the same recipe and arguments. It's mindlbowing how persistent he is, almost as mindblowing as how wrong and random he is in this thread. The biggest problem with this thread is that quite a few members that were around during the "Wii sells 240 million minimum lifetime" period are still present and we remember the arguments, the predictions and the deflection, history really does repeat itself, but not in console hardware sales, it seems.
Edit; when he says a bolt of lightning struck him and he "woke up" during MS' E3 conference last year, that wasn't entirely true, it seems he was starting to spin this whole tale already in 2012, many of the same ideas right here: http://popzara.com/pages/2144/
Edit 2; here he's talking about how Nintendo can "still save the revolution" in christmas 2010, despite droning on to me about how the console was "red hot" in 2011. http://popzara.com/pages/1470/
Edit 3; here he's talking about the "future" in early 2009, how Sony are going to leave the gaming business, how the Wii would steal all the "hardcore" (whoa, I thought that word was illegal?!?!) gamers, he talks about how Nintendo will have destroyed the "tech first" approach and become the emperor of gaming and how the next Nintendo console certainly won't just be a "Wii HD". Plus some other crazy stuff, all presented as the truth, of course. http://popzara.com/pages/902/
Edit 4; laughing at the notion of the 360 reaching into 90 million territory in lifetime sales, funnily enough calling the guy "delusional". http://popzara.com/pages/459/