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Forums - Sales Discussion - DMC4. An anomoly, or a sign of things to come.

carlos710 said:
tombi123 said:
carlos710 said:

And DMC 4 may sell more than past DMC games worldwide (thanks to new x360 sales), but its likely going to be the worst rated DMC game ever on reviews. When developers make their games multiplatform instead of taking 100% advantage of a console's hardware the game loses quality quickly.

Did you even look up the reviews before you post out of your arse? It is doing better than DMC3 at the moment and will likely end of with about the same percentage 85%, making it joint second best in the series and way ahead of DMC2.

 So you agree than DMC 2 having poor reviews affected the sales of DMC 3, thus making any "DMC 4 d0minati0n" argument worthless?

 Who mentioned DMC4 domination before you did. The OP just mentioned a good opening week.

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tokilamockingbrd said:
carlos710 said:
Bladeneo said:
carlos710 said:
Bladeneo said:
carlos710 said:
Bladeneo said:
carlos710 said:
disolitude said:
carlos710 said:
DMeisterJ said:
@ FishyJoe

I lose more and more faith in you as a mod each passing day.

Because he hasnt't banned you for your trolling in the rest of the forum??



DMC 3 was the 3rd game of the series in the same console. DMC 4 it's the first HD DMC. It was a failure in terms of profits IMO, since it sold way less than the first DMC on the ps2 while (likely) having way bigger development costs.

You're forgeting it was released to a much smaller userbase...


You are forgetting that nobody cares about attach rates.


Try to learn what this means: PROFIT

Early PS2 development costs were huge as well so I doubt capcom are going to be disappointed. DMC4 strikes me as a game with average development costs, possibly slightly higher due to having to develop on two consoles. How is 200,000 in one week in one region a bad thing? I guarantee its better than Capcom were anticipating. It'll probably have 400-500,000 sales during its first week on both platforms (so pushing a million), almost definately break even point for a game like DMC.

NOT EVEN CLOSE to about 20 million for an HD game like now.


And DMC 4 may sell more than past DMC games worldwide (thanks to new x360 sales), but its likely going to be the worst rated DMC game ever on reviews. When developers make their games multiplatform instead of taking 100% advantage of a console's hardware the game loses quality quickly.

When did quality enter the conversation? A games quality does NOT define its sales, a hell of a lot of PS2 games sold a million copies with sub par reviews, likewise a hell of a lot of games sold hardly anythin despite excellent reviews.

So you are fine with paying more money to get less quality -i guess i don't care about what you think then.


But still the development costs are atleast 2.5-3 times bigger than what they were 5 years ago.

Woah youre good at making assumptions. I NEVER said I was happy paying more for less, you originally discussed profit, NOT quality and thus I responded. Now that you realise youre point about profit was null, you move onto something else. Well done.

Any proof about an average ps2 game being over 20 million? 

I've read somewhere that the Average BIG budget game last gen cost 20 million. Definitly not the average game. I think for PS3 20 mil would be the ballpark for most full games. And the bigger ones reach upwards of 50mil(and in the case of MGS4 70 million)

MGS4 is costing 70 million? Quit pulling numbers out of your ass.

@ Zenfold

If Famitsu is to be believed...

Well why thank you. Now to answer your question, I do think a lot of the main PS2 franchises will make it to the PS3, but it might also have a 360 tag in the back of it. Especially the ones made by American devs. Now the ones made by Japanese devs will always be iffy, as Wii is most likely going to have majority of sales in Japan with domination throughout but that's how I see it. But still Japanese devs will probably put it on PS360. But there's always a possibility they'll opt out as Wii exclusive as well, such as Fatal Frame IV and Monster Hunter 3.


Development costs has nothing to do with profit.

Profit has to do with development cost though.

Not all rectangles are squares but all squares are rectangles.

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@fksu you still didnt answer my question.

Hot shots golf 5 - just hit me.

off topic- but has anyone else notice that it has been over a day and no ioi sightings.... I think we all should panic!!!

Maybe he abandoned us!!!!! He hooked us all in just to let us down!!! There are gonna be mass suicides tonight!!!!! end of the world!!!! =}

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.

I think a more pertinent question is this. Is the fact that a huge game like DMC4 moved very little hardware an anomaly, or a sign of things to come?

starcraft - Playing Games = FUN, Talking about Games = SERIOUS

PooperScooper said:
Whats HSG5? Probablly a bad game

Yes this is things to come IF games start to roll out at a decent pace and these games are actually GOOD!

250k copies sold in one week defines a game as a non profit failure... damn.

Hot Shots Golf Five. One of the biggest game franchises in Japan.

Also eh, I think what Fishy Joe was trying to say was that it was Cherry Picking in that it was non intentional. This one game suddenly did a lot better. However it's only one game out of many.

The problem with statistical outliers is, when they first appear they are the last number, making people wonder if it will keep up.

As such, deeper statistical analysis like "Is Ps3 software picking up" is generally something that would be better left after 1 or 2 more big releases going the same way.

Combine with DW doing less crappy then the other PS3 sequels however.  I just think that is the current audience.