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PooperScooper said:
Whats HSG5? Probablly a bad game

Yes this is things to come IF games start to roll out at a decent pace and these games are actually GOOD!

250k copies sold in one week defines a game as a non profit failure... damn.

Hot Shots Golf Five. One of the biggest game franchises in Japan.

Also eh, I think what Fishy Joe was trying to say was that it was Cherry Picking in that it was non intentional. This one game suddenly did a lot better. However it's only one game out of many.

The problem with statistical outliers is, when they first appear they are the last number, making people wonder if it will keep up.

As such, deeper statistical analysis like "Is Ps3 software picking up" is generally something that would be better left after 1 or 2 more big releases going the same way.

Combine with DW doing less crappy then the other PS3 sequels however.  I just think that is the current audience.