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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Update: Xbox One 12GB RAM upgrade debunked by Microsoft

Interesting, but doubtful. I'm not sure what the point would be. It would just mean a longer period before they could give the system a price cut. Multi-platform games will be made with the memory constraints of the system with the least RAM, anyway. We might see a difference late gen but it wouldn't be radical.

Still, if they gave that much RAM to the OS, what would be the purpose? What are they planning, a port of Microsoft Office? Hmm.

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" The changes detailed Marc Regarding the clock speed of the GPU were software changes to the OS. Building a console like Xbox One Entails years of planning, supply chain management, purchasing agreements for components, etc and is for the most part locked at the time you start to put development kits into the hands of developers."|Microsoft_ueber_Hardwareaenderungen_den_Preis_und_den_Stromverbrauch.html

so it doesn't look like they can change right now, still could, but unlikely

There are going to loose a lot of money on hardware if they do it.

"We have been in contact with several people and there are a few updates on this rumor to be addressed. Keep in mind that these are anonymous sources, but the information that was given comes from a reliable source."

Everyone knows that anonymous sources are the most reliable sources.

"The decision was brought to the higher-ups to sign off on it at least several weeks ago."

lol. "At least several weeks ago". Way to be specific.

"The RAM upgrade is still very likely our source put it at a 70% likelihood."

70 % likelihood despite the fact that it was brought up to be signed "at least several weeks ago" and there are supposedly 12gb Xbox Ones in the wild. Why only be 70 % sure in that case?

"Some within Microsoft have apparently been lobbying for a 50/50 split, while others have stated that there may be 7 or 8GB given to the gaming partition."

Article lost me here. I don't at all believe anyone would ask only for a 6 gb allotment for games given that they would have 12gb to their disposal - what a waste of ram that would be. I know that they wouldn't need more than 6gb for games, but neither will the OS (Or will it?).

I'm not sure why they wouldn't give this info to a bigger site, or why other insiders haven't commented on this rumor. I hope its real, but it's probably not. If the descision was made "at least several weeks ago", does that mean that production just started on the Xbox One?

walsufnir said:
sniper989 said:

GDDR5 is 2.25x faster than DDR3 on average, that is a pretty large amount

Faster is not well said: more bandwidth, this is right. But whatever, every sane person would favor more ram over faster ram, especially such a big jump. 50% more ram is also a pretty large amount.

Wouldn't bandwith become more important since open world is the hype now ?

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pokoko said:
Interesting, but doubtful. I'm not sure what the point would be. It would just mean a longer period before they could give the system a price cut. Multi-platform games will be made with the memory constraints of the system with the least RAM, anyway. We might see a difference late gen but it wouldn't be radical.

Still, if they gave that much RAM to the OS, what would be the purpose? What are they planning, a port of Microsoft Office? Hmm.

I doubt that there is anything true to the rumor, but:

If they increase the RAM to 12GB that most likely would also mean 24 instead of 16 chips --> 1.5x the bandwidth. But as far as I understand it you would have to rework the whole memory controller to really do this.

I can't say if this rumor is true or not. I do know that at the end of the day the amount of RAM a console has doesn't make a console better in my book.

RenCutypoison said:
walsufnir said:
sniper989 said:

GDDR5 is 2.25x faster than DDR3 on average, that is a pretty large amount

Faster is not well said: more bandwidth, this is right. But whatever, every sane person would favor more ram over faster ram, especially such a big jump. 50% more ram is also a pretty large amount.

Wouldn't bandwith become more important since open world is the hype now ?

Especially with big open worlds more ram is crucial.

6 gb of Ram to the OS? Not sure what the use in that would be.

the penis measuring contest just got interesting. Poor Wii U - you have the smallest penis.
Crudeness aside - how likely would this rumor be? Seems kinda late to add more ram especially since it is launching at the end of the year