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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Update: Xbox One 12GB RAM upgrade debunked by Microsoft

If this is true, than Microsoft really is running scared. Think about it...everything they've been doing in the past few weeks has been only reactionary. The DRM reversal, indie policies, rumors on final's fun to watch actually. Great for the XBox One adopters, but tremendously funny for the rest of us.

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If i didnt know better anyone would think they just made shit up in the May Reveal, and since then have started to design the console.

If this is true it means its still not in production, which means its going to be in extreme short supply this Christmas, were potentially less than 3 months from release, if the Nov 5th rumours are true. This could be more ridiculous than the PS2 or 360 launch combined.

walsufnir said:

You can doubt what you want, more ram is always better for a system and it will benefit on it. This is in now way overpowering because you can't have too much ram.

Yes, I read Blow and I have to say he blows. He is really a ranting-guy but if you give devs resources they will use them. Even if it's perhaps wasting resources.

What you *could* do: Because of GDDR5 being really fast you could swap certain parts of the ram forth and back so you can at least compensate less ram than a competitor. That most probably was Sony's plan right away when PS4 had only 4 GB ram and before luck kissed them ;)

Tactics are nice, but luck is better for industry.

Xenostar said:
If i didnt know better anyone would think they just made shit up in the May Reveal, and since then have started to design the console.

If this is true it means its still not in production, which means its going to be in extreme short supply this Christmas, were potentially less than 3 months from release, if the Nov 5th rumours are true. This could be more ridiculous than the PS2 or 360 launch combined.


Final hardware is set to be ready for production end of August so there is still some time to do some testing.

Also don't confuse software-changes with hardware-changes. These are 2 totally different things.

RenCutypoison said:
walsufnir said:

You can doubt what you want, more ram is always better for a system and it will benefit on it. This is in now way overpowering because you can't have too much ram.

Yes, I read Blow and I have to say he blows. He is really a ranting-guy but if you give devs resources they will use them. Even if it's perhaps wasting resources.

What you *could* do: Because of GDDR5 being really fast you could swap certain parts of the ram forth and back so you can at least compensate less ram than a competitor. That most probably was Sony's plan right away when PS4 had only 4 GB ram and before luck kissed them ;)

Tactics are nice, but luck is better for industry.


At least for Sony this time ;)

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And people were saying the price was going to drop as well, so which is it? Because they won't up the specs and lower the price

walsufnir said:
Xenostar said:
If i didnt know better anyone would think they just made shit up in the May Reveal, and since then have started to design the console.

If this is true it means its still not in production, which means its going to be in extreme short supply this Christmas, were potentially less than 3 months from release, if the Nov 5th rumours are true. This could be more ridiculous than the PS2 or 360 launch combined.


Final hardware is set to be ready for production end of August so there is still some time to do some testing.

Also don't confuse software-changes with hardware-changes. These are 2 totally different things.

Im not more ram is a hardware change. Getting this from 0 Production to in the shops in just over 2 months, is going to result in pretty big shortages. 

Xenostar said:
walsufnir said:
Xenostar said:
If i didnt know better anyone would think they just made shit up in the May Reveal, and since then have started to design the console.

If this is true it means its still not in production, which means its going to be in extreme short supply this Christmas, were potentially less than 3 months from release, if the Nov 5th rumours are true. This could be more ridiculous than the PS2 or 360 launch combined.


Final hardware is set to be ready for production end of August so there is still some time to do some testing.

Also don't confuse software-changes with hardware-changes. These are 2 totally different things.

Im not more ram is a hardware change. Getting this from 0 Production to in the shops in just over 2 months, is going to result in pretty big shortages. 

So you know better than MS what to do? We don't know how much MS will be able to produce in any way.

Will we ever need so much RAM in the next generation?

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walsufnir said:
Xenostar said:
walsufnir said:
Xenostar said:
If i didnt know better anyone would think they just made shit up in the May Reveal, and since then have started to design the console.

If this is true it means its still not in production, which means its going to be in extreme short supply this Christmas, were potentially less than 3 months from release, if the Nov 5th rumours are true. This could be more ridiculous than the PS2 or 360 launch combined.


Final hardware is set to be ready for production end of August so there is still some time to do some testing.

Also don't confuse software-changes with hardware-changes. These are 2 totally different things.

Im not more ram is a hardware change. Getting this from 0 Production to in the shops in just over 2 months, is going to result in pretty big shortages. 

So you know better than MS what to do? We don't know how much MS will be able to produce in any way.

Well i know the 360 had massive shortages, i know it takes time to manufacture and ships goods all around the world in large quantities. I know 9-10 weeks is certainly not alot of time. 

And i know due to all the 180's, MS didnt have a clue that what they were making originally, nobody wanted and theyve had to invest time and money changing it.