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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Watch Dogs Current Vs. Next Gen Footage(Videos)


What do you think of the footage?

Kill it with fire 29 13.36%
WTF 17 7.83%
Wow, just wow 14 6.45%
atrocity 1 0.46%
looks meh 26 11.98%
Best looking game ever-sarcasm 8 3.69%
looks ok at best 17 7.83%
Wow, so watch dogs is on the ps2? 67 30.88%
looks good 38 17.51%
BloodyRain said:



I don't see the problem. It looks pretty awesome for an open world game.

Around the Network

I'm curious to see the Wii U version, I heard it's going to run the next gen version.

Don’t follow the hype, follow the games


Here a little quote I want for those to keep memorize in your head for this coming next gen.                            

 By: Suke

Suke said:
I'm curious to see the Wii U version, Iheard it's going to run the next gen version.

If I remember correctly, it was being developed by the same team as the ps4/xbox one versions, so maybe somewhere in between then?

CGI-Quality said:
While this is definitely a little skewed, I'm skipping even the PS4 version for true superiority!

edited-decided to use vids

Suke said:

I'm curious to see the Wii U version, I heard it's going to run the next gen version.

Thats what i was thinking too, Ubisoft said they were making the Ps4 and Wii U version at the same time, and they downscaled it later for the Ps3 and 360.

Around the Network

Slightly off topic but why'd they hit Aisha Tyler with a garbage truck?

That's the original Xbox version being played upscaled on a X360. No way the game looks this bad on current gen systems.

it look like they made it in gary's mod

Darc Requiem said:
Slightly off topic but why'd they hit Aisha Tyler with a garbage truck?

lol, no clue. Maybe that is one of the scenarios. Maybe, you'll be able to save her or kill her.

Every time I look at the footage GTA3 and Vice City come to mind in terms of their animations and lack of detail. I'll be employing my right to discriminate by purchasing the PS4 version over the PS3 one.


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