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Forums - Sales Discussion - Famitsu early numbers in for 2/3/08

there is no way in hell wii only sold 100k. there must be some kind of mistake. it just shifted 800k copies of ssbb.

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DMeisterJ said:

@ Avinash_Tyagi

How could you say that if PS3 numbers didn't rise it's in trouble, when according to Fam. The Wii only rose 10k for the SSBB release. I could have sworn that the whole "nintendo was stockpiling" excuse cropped up last week.

uh ? perhaps because the Wii would be #1 even with no boost at all?


It's the ps3 the one that has problems selling. And seems like the DMC 4 bundle didn't do anything.

carlos710 - Capitán Primero: Nintendo Defense Force

"Wii are legion, for Wii are many"

Oyvoyvoyv said:
Family Ski did 24K, that's good. Expect that one to sell 100K + in Scandinavia, people up here do nothing but Ski. I'm sure it might even be a system seller :O

340K is Nintendo's limit.

1.8M/month/30days=60K/day*7 days=360K - 20K for holiday = 340K/week.

1.8m per month x 12 = 21.6m per year

21.6m/52 = 415k per week 

VGC has shown well under 415k per week since the last week off the holiday surge. Estimate sales for JPN look to be in the range of 100k for a WW total of 340k. This is not the max. Either inventory withholding begins early for Nintendo this year, or they simply are not selling at the rate of production. Most likely the former since I'm still not seeing them on shelves this year. Starting to wonder if it really isn't Nintendo's distribution channels that are to blame.

Stock is at 55.25 down from a year high of almost 75 with 1 year target estimate currently at 82. 52 week range of 31.90 - 78.50. The problem with investing in Nintendo is that video games represents their entire business, even if it has been consistently profitable since the launch of the Wii. There is no diversity as is the case with Sony and MS.

But based on current sales, I'm still not sure where the near universal estimates for a production increases on this site are coming from, seeing as how Nintendo's official stance is that they are holding production at 1.8m until sales recede. Unless sales are nearing the 415k production limit (not happening), or they are planning on withholding over 75k per week through 2008 (assuming consistent sales of 340k throughout 2008) which would provide an excess of  3m+ units by early November, production is not going to change, up or down.

No point in arguing until Nintendo releases their fiscal projections in March, but in the meantime, I'm continuing to hold off on purchases of Nintendo shares. If I actually believed Nintendo was planning on increasing production to 2.2 or 2.5m as some people seem to believe, Nintendo would already be in my investment portfolio, and I would currently be down by about $10 per share. I'll be watching their stock price closely over the next month. 

36k ps3? hmm..
i supose media create numbers will be much higher, or maybe not. =)

Overall, nice sales. =)

Every 5 seconds on earth one child dies from hunger...

2009.04.30 - PS3 will OUTSELL x360 atleast by the middle of 2010. Japan+Europe > NA.

Gran Turismo 3 - 1,06 mln. in 3 weeks with around 4 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Gran Turismo 4 - 1,16 mln. with 18 mln. PS2 on the launch.

Final Fantasy X - around 2 mln. with 5 mln. PS2 on the launch.
Final Fantasy X-2 - 2.4 mln. with 12 mln. PS2 on the launch.


1.8 mln. PS3 today(2008.01.17) in Japan. Now(2009.04.30) 3.16 mln. PS3 were sold in Japan.
PS3 will reach 4 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 25k.

PS3 may reach 5 mln. in Japan by the end of 2009 with average weekly sales 50k.
PS2 2001 vs PS3 2008 sales numbers =) + New games released in Japan by 2009 that passed 100k so far

@ Carlos

You still didn't acknowledge the whole stockpiling excuse. For weeks I've been hearing that they're stockpiling for SSBB, but where are all of the units at?

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Green, my mistake, 60*7 is 420 not 360 :P

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS

DMeisterJ said:
Wow. I definetly have a problem with those numbers. As should and red-blooded Wii owner. So DMC 4 only pushed 3,000 more units than last week. and SSBB only did an extra 15k?

@ Avinash_Tyagi

How could you say that if PS3 numbers didn't rise it's in trouble, when according to Fam. The Wii only rose 10k for the SSBB release. I could have sworn that the whole "nintendo was stockpiling" excuse cropped up last week.

It is intersting.  Does this mean "THE CASUALS!" like SSBB?  Or does it mean that people are overestimating the casual market and that a number of core gamers aren't stuck up and cane enjoy casual games.

Or is it just an error caused by how hard it is to track products that nearly sell out all of their stock.

After all Famitsu doesn't have shipping numbers, thefore if stores they don't cover got an abnormal boost.... then there can be problems.

Just how NPD seemed to have trouble tracking Wii sales in decemeber. (probably due to Toys R Us and Wal-mart who probably moved a lot of DS's and probably got an abnormal number of Wiis.) 

Kasz216 said:
I'm shocked Disgaea did so well. Looks like a lot of SRPG fans have made their decision.

Makes me glad the PS3 is region free as well. Maybe i'll start importing those SRPG games that never make it over... it'd be tough... not being able to speak japanese and all... some people figure it out though.

 Disgae was allways a cult game , from the first PS2 game , and allways had respectable sales . The good start of it shows how much software potentiall the PS3 has , and the fact that it sold more than the 360 versio of DMC prooves for the 100th time how badly the 360 is doing in Japan .


  Also 800 k first week for SSBB is huge , I wonder whta the exact numbers will be . Anyways , reading the reviews , shows that the game deserves it :) 

Vote the Mayor for Mayor!

@ DMeisterJ, greenmedic, Doats, etc.


I´ll just quote myself now, look:


1,800,000 / 30 = 60,000 units a day which means 420,000 units a week. Now Nintendo has to stockpile for the next christmas season already. If they´d sell 320,000 units each week they´d be stockpiling 100k units for Christmas - 14.3k units a day which is 430k units each month. Now let´s take into account that November + December won´t see any further stockpiling we have to multiply that by 10.

430,000 x 10 = 4.30 million units for Christmas which is quite realistic. And don´t forget there should be more Wii sales during weeks like this with big releases or the golden week in Japan which brings us closer to 4.0 million units in december. Now add those 1.8 million units they´ll produce in december and you´ll get to 5.8 million units which would ensure that there are enough Wii´s in stock this holiday.

Sounds quite good I think especially taking into account that Nintendo wants to release the Wii in China this year, too.

According to Vgcharts the Wii sold 4.16 million units in december 2007. 5.8 million for 2008 is quite a bit high but Nintendo certainly know what they are doing - we´ll probably see bigger Wii sales during launch weeks of big titles and not all of those 5.8 million will be left for Christmas.


Edit: According to VGchartz the Wii sold 2.4 million units during November. That means we have to subtract another 0.6 million units which brings us to 5.2 million units for december - probably a bit less.


So all in all we get to 5.2 million units in December which is quite realistic. 


We understand if production is based upon a day to day production rate, the weekly production is 420k. But 1.8m per month, allowing for the 7 months out of the year with 31 days gives a number closer to 415k. Minus 1 day for February which has 29 days this month.

But I'm actually willing to concede the rate of production is closer to 420k per week. We've just had people on this site INSISTING it was only 415k as justification why low production rates will be increased.

And yes, 5.2m sell through in December 2008 is very realistic. It might be less (if Nintendo runs out of stock again) if November sales are considerably higher than 2007 (most likely).