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Forums - General Discussion - A Muslim writes about Jesus - Is This The Most Embarrassing Interview Fox News Has Ever Done?

MDMAlliance said:
Fifaguy360 said:
After seeing the full interview there seems to be paradox in Aslan's views.

He says he is a Muslim, but does not believe in the entirety of the Quran. Example is when he says Jesus was definitely killed/crucified, but the Quran says he wasn't.

I know this is has nothing to do with his book. Just putting it out there.

He can't be Muslim simply because there are some disagreements with him and some of the other Muslim community?  

the quran is formed with the words of god, so it kind of puts you in a pickle to say you are muslim and say i dont believe in some stuff in the quran. its kind of a paradox (i think im using the right word lol) however, in islam you cant go around telling people who say their are muslims that they arent, people cant just simply go around saying that some people are muslims and some arent, it simply isnt up to us to say that. his believes are his own, nobody should judge him about it except god 

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Muslim writes about Jesus... gets unfriendly interview with Fox News.

Christian writes about Mohammed... gets a fatwa issued and has to go into hiding for the rest of his life.

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

Runa216 said:
happydolphin said:

I have read nearly the whole thing bar a prophetic book or two and I believe Numbers. I have also read some aprocryphal text.

No, so far I have found the gospels do not contradict each other and when contradiction points are shown they are always highly debatable, for instance the genealogy of Jesus.

For such ancient texts, they hold up exceedingly well. I challenge you to find any other historical books that so strongly agree, being possibly without contradiction.

Good luck, get back to me when you find it.

@Addiekienen. No.

You sure about that, bub?  

Heh, I didn't ask for bible contradictions, I asked for historical books that so strongly agreed with each other (let's not misread each other please). You can find spots on a white rag, but it doesn't change the fact that it's white, and the spots might just be on the lens.

Having said that I'll look at the contradictions give me a sec.

(Edit: Runa, I was talking about the gospels, not the bible as a whole)

@MDMAlliance. It doesn't matter, because I could cite many inconsistencies in the evolutionary theory along its history and that wouldn't help either cause. These viewpoints refine themselves over time, so it's pointless to point out flaws from the past from either side.

happydolphin said:
ultima said:

Answer honestly: have you actually read the bible? The amount of contradiction within it is staggering. Not to mention the contradictions of the bible with reality and history.

I have read nearly the whole thing bar a prophetic book or two and I believe Numbers. I have also read some aprocryphal text.

No, so far I have found the gospels do not contradict each other and when contradiction points are shown they are always highly debatable, for instance the genealogy of Jesus.

For such ancient texts, they hold up exceedingly well. I challenge you to find any other historical books that so strongly agree, being possibly without contradiction.

Good luck, get back to me when you find it.

@Addiekienen. No.

I'm still waiting for one these dudes on here claiming there is contradiction in the NT to post some actual examples. But there have been no takers so far. This just leads me to believe that they're just talking out their butholes and don't know shit about the Bible, other than someone else's bullshit they have read somewhere.

Simple fact is this all you jokers reading this, there is NO, NONE, and i'll say it again NO significant contradiction in the NT - so good luck finding one. Better stick to the topic at hand which is the Fox interview and stop wasting everyone's time talking about contradictions.

Nintendo Network ID: DaRevren

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happydolphin said:
Ajescent said:
Us uk folks aren't allowed to see the daily show interview.

I had the same problem ;)

Thank you very much.

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happydolphin said:
MDMAlliance said:

It's a bit funny that your sources come from some site called 

Also, I actually do think the bold 1 and 2 are correct to the extent that your links talk about the Bible itself while Creationism belongs to the people and many of them did believe those things.  Just saying.

What is funny about that? If you want to talk about the tenest of creationism, how does it not make sense to pull references from the major creationist outlet in the world?

@2. It's possible. Like evolution changed its tuned many times in the past, so has creation. It's based on scientific findings after all.

As with many things; I think I'm gonna go ahead and agree with 99 percent of the world's scientist on this issue. And young earth creation scientists are not actual scientists : their works are not peer reviewed, they limit their thinking and conclusions to a religion - these "scientists" will never arrive to the conclusion that they might be wrong, because that's not an option for them. They start out with an answer from their religion and work their way down to find out how that answer might be possible, rather than the other way around. In many cases these scientists are also priests, or preachers, or evangelists. Their ideas don't hold up to scrutiny from actual scientists. What they're doing isn't science; it's pseudoscience - religion masked as science to compensate for the fact that their religion is not infallible and modern technology has the proof to suggest that many, if not all, of their beliefs they've had since childhood are false.

You wouldn't want someone who wrote an article that wasn't peer reviewed, and yet went against everything medical professionals know as fact, one that said: "not exercising and eating excessively is good for your health" be your doctor would you? So why let a person like that be the one you trust for accurate information?

Figgycal said:

As with many things; I think I'm gonna go ahead and agree with 99 percent of the world's scientist on this issue. And young earth creation scientists are not actual scientists : their works are not peer reviewed, they limit their thinking and conclusions to a religion - these "scientists" will never arrive to the conclusion that they might be wrong, because that's not an option for them. They start out with an answer from their religion and work their way down to find out how that answer might be possible, rather than the other way around. In many cases these scientists are also priests, or preachers, or evangelists, or plumbers, regular people, etc. Their ideas don't hold up to scrutiny from actual scientists. What they're doing isn't science; it's pseudoscience.

You wouldn't want someone who wrote an article that wasn't peer reviewed, and yet went against everything scientists know as fact, for example: "not exercising and eating excessively is good for your health" be your doctor would you? So why let a person like that be the one you trust for accurate information?

@bold. That's your choice, but if you're going to go with majority, just remember that majority was with the church in Galileo's day. Just sayin', majority was wrong.

@Peer review. That's simply untrue ->

@Validation of theories. That's wrong, they posit theories to support the biblical claims, and often disagree with each other within the creationist community.

@Pseudoscience. What YOU'RE doing is pseudoscience, excuse me. You're just repeating words from the anti-creationist community and I hear the same words over and over again, they are just meaningless drivel (no joke). This is not to offend you, I just proved a few claims by you and MDMAlliance false already, there is likely much more.

So to answer your last paragraph, I trust them a lot because they actually do science rather than pretend to in order to fit with the concensus. There are good scientists on both sides, but imho the onus is on creationists to prove their worth and so I have seen what they do and trust it more as a true quest for scientific truth than the other way around (so far). It's my opinion. If I were to choose someone to tell me the truth, I'd choose the creationist.

Runa216 said:

You sure about that, bub?

Why would an atheist write about the bible? :P

DaRev said:

I'm still waiting for one these dudes on here claiming there is contradiction in the NT to post some actual examples. But there have been no takers so far. This just leads me to believe that they're just talking out their butholes and don't know shit about the Bible, other than someone else's bullshit they have read somewhere.

Simple fact is this all you jokers reading this, there is NO, NONE, and i'll say it again NO significant contradiction in the NT - so good luck finding one. Better stick to the topic at hand which is the Fox interview and stop wasting everyone's time talking about contradictions.


Failing on so many simple details alone tells us that nothing in the New Testament can be trusted.


Though I guess that you would hardly need to find contradictions within the NT to reach that conclusion. The thing is biased as hell and has a very clear message that the authors wish to send. (One that I'd love for more people, including Fox News, to follow: Love your enemy as you love yourself.)

I love the part where he points out the lady didn't even make it to page 2.

4 ≈ One