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happydolphin said:
ultima said:

Answer honestly: have you actually read the bible? The amount of contradiction within it is staggering. Not to mention the contradictions of the bible with reality and history.

I have read nearly the whole thing bar a prophetic book or two and I believe Numbers. I have also read some aprocryphal text.

No, so far I have found the gospels do not contradict each other and when contradiction points are shown they are always highly debatable, for instance the genealogy of Jesus.

For such ancient texts, they hold up exceedingly well. I challenge you to find any other historical books that so strongly agree, being possibly without contradiction.

Good luck, get back to me when you find it.

@Addiekienen. No.

I'm still waiting for one these dudes on here claiming there is contradiction in the NT to post some actual examples. But there have been no takers so far. This just leads me to believe that they're just talking out their butholes and don't know shit about the Bible, other than someone else's bullshit they have read somewhere.

Simple fact is this all you jokers reading this, there is NO, NONE, and i'll say it again NO significant contradiction in the NT - so good luck finding one. Better stick to the topic at hand which is the Fox interview and stop wasting everyone's time talking about contradictions.

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