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Forums - Politics Discussion - Trayvon Martin not an innocent kid! George Zimmerman not a racist!

DevilRising said:
thismeintiel said:

Casey Anthony has nothing to do with this case, as all the evidence in the Zimmerman case supports Zimmerman's version of events.  In other words, a open and shut self defense case.  Am I pissed by the Casey Anthony verdict?  Yea.  I believed she murdered her baby.  Am I going to call for the Federal government to change the outcome of the trial, while labeling Casey Anthony a racist?  No.

The sad fact about the Zimmerman case is people still want to focus on the dead "innocent black boy" and the "racist white murderer who stalked him."  The problem with that is it's not factually accurate.  But to those people, facts don't matter.  It doesn't matter that Trayvon was much taller than Zimmerman and was athletically built.  It doesn't matter that Zimmerman actually stopped following Trayvon after the dispatcher told him they didn't need him to.  It doesn't matter that Trayvon had plenty of time to get home, but instead decided to stick around.  It doesn't matter that Zimmerman had a broken nose and was having his head repeatedly smashed into the concrete sidewalk.  All that matters is Trayvon, the "victim," was black and Zimmerman, the "murderer," was "white."

The saddest part is that is if Zimmerman didn't have a gun and was unable to call for help, and Trayvon had actually been able to smash his brains in, then this would have stayed a local story.  Just like all the black murders done by other blacks in the inner cities.  Those are ignored because they illustrate a real problem that would actually take people who care, and are willing to put the effort in, to fix.  It also doesn't allow the media and politicians (mostly on the left)  to do what they love doing most, stirring the race pot.  Why else would they call a Hispanic a white man, and yet call Obama black, when they both have the same amount of white in them? 

Sorry, but your arugment holds very little water.

The argument that "Trayvon should have gone home", while ignoring the fact that Zimmerman should have done what both his own Neighborhood Watch policy AND the fucking police said he should do, instead folling Trayvon, with a fucking loaded gun tucked in his pants like some kind a gangsta........please.

The argument that Trayvon was MUCH BIGGER AND ATHLETIC than the poor, short, dumpy, fat Zimmerman, is rather immaterial. Sorry, but if some creepy fat fuck was following me in the dark, I'd kind of want to know what the fuck was up too. Would I turn around and confront the guy? Who knows? But the fact that Travyon didn't run straight home doesn't excuse the fact that Zimmerman followed him with a loaded weapon, with every intention of getting into a conflict. If that WASN'T his intent, the motherfucker wouldnt' have followed him, would he? The better question here is, why the hell, after calling the police, which is ALL any neighborhood watch EVER says to do, did old Georgie not GO HOME himself? The entire situation could have been easily avoided if he would have kept to his own dumbass self, called the cops if he felt it was so neccisary (it wasn't), and then stay the fuck inside his own home like he was supposed to.

Implying that it's Trayvon's fault he died, because he didn't run home, instead confronting a guy who was following him with a loaded weapon (and in all honesty HAD to have said or done something to provoke the fight), is about the same as saying that a girl who dresses slutty is "asking to be raped".


And quite frankly, no, it wasn' an "open and shut self defense case". The ONLY real testimony to the incident there was, was Zimmerman's. No one was outside watching all this go down. It was Zimmerman, Martin, and some texts/phone calls made. That's literally IT. The dead guy can't testify as to what happened. Thus Zimmerman's testimony is the only thing anyone actually has to go on. That's literally as far as it goes.

And I'm sorry, the fact of the matter is, if Zimmerman had been a black dude, who shot Trayvon, a tall, athleticly built white kid, this would be a very different story for a LOT of folks.

You're argument completely falls apart when you keep pushing the false narrative that Zimmerman continued to follow him.  He did not.  He stopped. And he lost Trayvon.  That's the reason I bring up that Trayvon could have been home.  Instead, of going home after Zimmerman lost him, he decided to swing back around.  That is when the fault begins to fall on Trayvon. 

And I wish you people would quit stressing the fact that Zimmerman had a gun.  If you are against guns, then fine.  However, he was in his legal right to own and possess one.  Him having one doesn't make him more guilty just because you are anti-gun rights.  Politics are not supposed to enter the judicial process.  Only the law of the land. 

And actually there were two eye witnesses.  They didn't see the beginning of the fight, but both put Trayvon on Zimmerman, landing repeated blows upon him.  In fact, just to show how the media fucked up the perception of the case, the one female witness originally thought it was Zimmerman on top because the aggressor was larger, and she thought Trayvon was the little boy the media was portraying.

And your right, it would have been a different story if Zimmerman would have been black and Trayvon white.  We would have never fucking heard the story.  It would have stayed a local story.

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Zimmerman was asked "Did you confront Trayvon" and "Were you in fear of your life when you shot Trayvon" while hooked up to the polygraph test... Answers: No and Yes. Both were found to be telling the truth. Requested by Serino the lead detective. This was a total witch hunt from the beginning. The lie detector test and the non emergency police call both support that Zimmerman was on his way back to his vehicle when attacked... but hey. lets ignore the evidence and facts

Less also ignore that Zimmerman was calling for help for over 40 seconds before shooting his gun. How much did he need to endure before he was justified in using it? Till he was unconcious?

Lets also ignore that Zimmerman fully cooperated with the police and every request they had he granted without legal representation. Lets ignore he turned himself in twice. But hey... these are the actions of a violent lunatic

Chris Hu said:

I checked my facts neither were saints but Zimmerman had more of a violent past and its still a fact that Bill Whittle is a asshole and a mouthpiece for the Koch Brothers.  Also if Zimmerman would have done as he told and stayed in the car no one would have died.

"I checked my facts"

Obviously you didn't. George Zimmerman doesn't have a violent past. The media attempted to say he did.

Facts about GZ:

-He and his ex-fiance BOTH filed for restraining orders and BOTH were GRANTED so obviously this was a domestic dispute, not violence on one side.

- His "assault on a police officer" never happened. Charges were completely dropped because it was an UNDERCOVER sting in which the officer touched Zimmerman first, so Zimmerman pushed him back. Again, UNDERCOVER, never identified himself as an officer. He was simply sticking up for his friend that this "civilian" (undercover PO) was accosting.

So where is the violence in the past that you're referring to because according to the facts, which you allegedly have, there is none.

Also if Zimmerman would have done as he told and stayed in the car no one would have died. 

This has to be the single stupidest argument I've ever read in my entire life and it seems to plague this website. Any person can follow ANYONE for ANY REASON. This is America, not sure if you live here? There isn't anything wrong with following someone, ESPECIALLY if you think they are acting suspiciously and REPORTING THEIR POSITION TO THE DISPATCHER.

Furthermore, via argumentum ad absurdum if I were to ask the time from a random person on the street who happened to take offense to that and they assault me for it you are saying it's my fault because I asked them. I could have avoided it by asking someone else. It's just asinine to even suggest such a thing. I wish you great success at whichever menial employment you find yourself in.

Wow, the sheer nonsense you simpletons spew is exceedingly exhausting to address. Get a fucking clue, you racist inbred obstreperous windbag.

arcane_chaos said:
yes we know Trayvon Martin isn't a saint, but what people are saying is what exactly did he do that night to be followed? then a fight beaking out and then being shot then killed? all he did that night before the confrontation was buy skittles and an Arizona Ice Tea and was on his way home to see the NBA All-Star game.

as for Gorge Zimmerman; I wouldn't call him a full blown "go back to africa" rascist" but I think his judgement greatly had some racial tendencies(which we all have) we have GZ on tape calling him a "F***ing Punk" "A**hole" "They" always get away with it"

Oh my God, another idiot.

Wow, you mean when referencing the people who break into houses and steal things are referred to as "punks" and "assholes" it's racial? Your brain is not functioning properly if you think this.

Meanwhile we have Rachel Jeantel testifying that Trayvon Martin referred to Zimmerman as a "Cracker" and a "Nigger", you know ACTUAL racist terms.

binary solo said:

If you're being followed, and you have a criminal past, esp involving drug dealing, AND you have committed no crime at the time is it not reasonable to believe that the person is following you home to see where you live so that they can come back some time and do something bad?

So turning around and attacking the guy could be a self preservation measure. So no, TM carrying on home is not the same as GZ staying in his car. TM was doing nothing directly threatening to GZ, but GZ was doing something that can justifiably be perceived as directly threatening to TM.

If TM had been white or hispanic GZ almost certainly wouldn't have started following him. So it is highly likely that the only reason GZ started following TM was because he was caught being black and walking on the street. Perhaps not racist but racial profiling at a minimum.

Wow another moron.

It's not about perception, it's about legality. Following someone is not a threat to them legally. Just because some stupid kid is paranoid, does not give him the right to viciously beat his follower.

Get a clue, kid.


-Mr Khan

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keroncoward said:

Funny thing is one of the first thing they teach cops is not to profile people because anyone is capable of breaking the law. There is a reason why they rejected him from being a real cop and this whole situation is evidence why. Zimmerman was just plain stupid and Trayvon's defense lawyer was unprepared and low budget. Everyone knew it was not murder but to not even get charged with manslaughter? Im not American but i can see why some minorities in that country dont feel like they are treated equally. 

Funny thing is you don't have a clue what you're talking about (in either of your posts). There was no stalking involved in this case.

Secondly, GZ was rejected because of his low credit score. This came out during the trial, apparently you didn't even watch it. 

You're not American? Shut the fuck up then, because you're not familiar with our laws, our justice system, or our society.

I'm all for intelligentsia points... but not the direct insults. So unfortunately reported

Kazus said:
Chris Hu said:
Bill Whittle is a asshole anything he says is right wing propaganda paid for by the Koch Brothers. Also George Zimmerman had more of a violent past then Trayvon Martin.

What I was going to say in a nutshell. BIll Whittle is worth no one's time and if you actually do your own research Zimmerman was more than looking for trouble and is the main reason this tragedy happened. Nobody told him to get out the car and assume that Trayvon Martin was up to trouble, no matter the circumstances. He had no reason to play "hero", let the police do their job.

Zimmerman had a hero complex and wanted to try to fix the neighborhood.  He saw bad people all over.  He got in to too much trouble, and with superior firepower he put an end to the hornet's nest he stirred.  

The bigger case with this is how you can tell a person's political views by how they stand on the case.  It goes right down political lines, and THAT is the greater story here.  Discuss that.  Arguing who is more or less innocent is old news, which merely reenforces stereotypical thinking.

richardhutnik said:

Zimmerman had a hero complex and wanted to try to fix the neighborhood.  He saw bad people all over.  He got in to too much trouble, and with superior firepower he put an end to the hornet's nest he stirred.  

The bigger case with this is how you can tell a person's political views by how they stand on the case.  It goes right down political lines, and THAT is the greater story here.  Discuss that.  Arguing who is more or less innocent is old news, which merely reenforces stereotypical thinking.

Very, very true. You can definitely tell someones political stance from the way some on both sides are responnding.

S.T.A.G.E. said:
richardhutnik said:

Zimmerman had a hero complex and wanted to try to fix the neighborhood.  He saw bad people all over.  He got in to too much trouble, and with superior firepower he put an end to the hornet's nest he stirred.  

The bigger case with this is how you can tell a person's political views by how they stand on the case.  It goes right down political lines, and THAT is the greater story here.  Discuss that.  Arguing who is more or less innocent is old news, which merely reenforces stereotypical thinking.

Very, very true. You can definitely tell someones political stance from the way some on both sides are responnding.

To me it points to who actually followed the case and who didnt and thus really have no clue what they are talking about