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Chris Hu said:

I checked my facts neither were saints but Zimmerman had more of a violent past and its still a fact that Bill Whittle is a asshole and a mouthpiece for the Koch Brothers.  Also if Zimmerman would have done as he told and stayed in the car no one would have died.

"I checked my facts"

Obviously you didn't. George Zimmerman doesn't have a violent past. The media attempted to say he did.

Facts about GZ:

-He and his ex-fiance BOTH filed for restraining orders and BOTH were GRANTED so obviously this was a domestic dispute, not violence on one side.

- His "assault on a police officer" never happened. Charges were completely dropped because it was an UNDERCOVER sting in which the officer touched Zimmerman first, so Zimmerman pushed him back. Again, UNDERCOVER, never identified himself as an officer. He was simply sticking up for his friend that this "civilian" (undercover PO) was accosting.

So where is the violence in the past that you're referring to because according to the facts, which you allegedly have, there is none.

Also if Zimmerman would have done as he told and stayed in the car no one would have died. 

This has to be the single stupidest argument I've ever read in my entire life and it seems to plague this website. Any person can follow ANYONE for ANY REASON. This is America, not sure if you live here? There isn't anything wrong with following someone, ESPECIALLY if you think they are acting suspiciously and REPORTING THEIR POSITION TO THE DISPATCHER.

Furthermore, via argumentum ad absurdum if I were to ask the time from a random person on the street who happened to take offense to that and they assault me for it you are saying it's my fault because I asked them. I could have avoided it by asking someone else. It's just asinine to even suggest such a thing. I wish you great success at whichever menial employment you find yourself in.

Wow, the sheer nonsense you simpletons spew is exceedingly exhausting to address. Get a fucking clue, you racist inbred obstreperous windbag.