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keroncoward said:

Funny thing is one of the first thing they teach cops is not to profile people because anyone is capable of breaking the law. There is a reason why they rejected him from being a real cop and this whole situation is evidence why. Zimmerman was just plain stupid and Trayvon's defense lawyer was unprepared and low budget. Everyone knew it was not murder but to not even get charged with manslaughter? Im not American but i can see why some minorities in that country dont feel like they are treated equally. 

Funny thing is you don't have a clue what you're talking about (in either of your posts). There was no stalking involved in this case.

Secondly, GZ was rejected because of his low credit score. This came out during the trial, apparently you didn't even watch it. 

You're not American? Shut the fuck up then, because you're not familiar with our laws, our justice system, or our society.