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Zimmerman was asked "Did you confront Trayvon" and "Were you in fear of your life when you shot Trayvon" while hooked up to the polygraph test... Answers: No and Yes. Both were found to be telling the truth. Requested by Serino the lead detective. This was a total witch hunt from the beginning. The lie detector test and the non emergency police call both support that Zimmerman was on his way back to his vehicle when attacked... but hey. lets ignore the evidence and facts

Less also ignore that Zimmerman was calling for help for over 40 seconds before shooting his gun. How much did he need to endure before he was justified in using it? Till he was unconcious?

Lets also ignore that Zimmerman fully cooperated with the police and every request they had he granted without legal representation. Lets ignore he turned himself in twice. But hey... these are the actions of a violent lunatic