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binary solo said:

If you're being followed, and you have a criminal past, esp involving drug dealing, AND you have committed no crime at the time is it not reasonable to believe that the person is following you home to see where you live so that they can come back some time and do something bad?

So turning around and attacking the guy could be a self preservation measure. So no, TM carrying on home is not the same as GZ staying in his car. TM was doing nothing directly threatening to GZ, but GZ was doing something that can justifiably be perceived as directly threatening to TM.

If TM had been white or hispanic GZ almost certainly wouldn't have started following him. So it is highly likely that the only reason GZ started following TM was because he was caught being black and walking on the street. Perhaps not racist but racial profiling at a minimum.

Wow another moron.

It's not about perception, it's about legality. Following someone is not a threat to them legally. Just because some stupid kid is paranoid, does not give him the right to viciously beat his follower.

Get a clue, kid.


-Mr Khan