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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Bring Final Fantasy 15 and Kingdom Hearts 3 to Wii U Square Enix

ryuzaki57 said:
keroncoward said:
ryuzaki57 said:I believe PS4 can manage 1.84 TFLOPS and not WiiU

Ok but how does that prevent a upscaled PS3 game from coming to Wii U again? Keep in mind Xbone is also rumored to be less powerful than PS4. I think everyone knows by now FF 15 was supposed to be FF Versus 13 that was for PS3?

Even if they downscale it to make it run on WiiU it's a lot of time and money. In the WiiU's current dynamic it would not be profitable.

I just checked to see if FFXV and KH3 have release dates. FFXV doesn't have one at all, meaning it's still a ways away, and the closest I could find for KH3 is "rumors saying Spring 2014."

So you're telling us that by Spring of next year, the Wii U couldn't have possibly turned it's situation around with several big games having been released by that time (like Mario Kart, Super Mario 3D World, Wind Waker HD, Donkey Kong, Sonic, Wonderful 101, Pikmin 3, possibly Bayonetta and any anticipated third party games like Watch_Dogs)? Furthermore, you're saying it would be more profitable for Squeenix to release games that are huge in Japan on a console that will be dead on arrival in Japan, but not for the console that is guaranteed to have a larger install base there, and likely here in America too?

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Blame Nintendo for taking itself out of consideration for games like these

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"In video game terms, RPGs are games that involve a form of separate battles taking place with a specialized battle system and the use of a system that increases your power through a form of points.

Sure, what you say is the definition, but the connotation of RPGs is what they are in video games." - dtewi

I think they can , even if the WiiU cant run it with just little extra work they sure could make it on WiiU, if they dont that just shows that they r lazy. Half of KH games are on Nintendo's consoles only.


ur right, but WiiU is a next gen , maybe not as much powerful as PS4 and Xbox one , but still can run most of the games that will be available on those consoles.


Soriku said:
Viper1 said:
oniyide said:
MohammadBadir said:
I could give a rat's ass about FFXV, it's pretty much guaranteed that Monolith's X will be 17 billion times better.
As for KH3, didn't the team who worked on KH3D on the 3DS get promoted to making KH3 because of KH3D's sales? If so, then they're a bunch of assholes for not bringing it to the Wii U. Don't give me the "it can't run on WiiU" bullshit, DX11 or not(and the WiiU DOES support DX11 equilivant features), it should be on WiiU.

LOL, where the hell did you hear that from? the portable KHs have always been handled by a different team. hand or Jupiter. the console ones have been handled by the main team nothing has changed. ANd LOL at your X prediction, havent even seen gameplay but making judgements already? What else does the crystal ball say?

There is one thing he is correct about.  KH Dream Drop Distance on 3DS was developed by Square Enix's 1st Production Department: the developer of the mainline home console titles.

This isn't correct nor is what oniyde said about the (old) main KH team working on KH3 true either. 3D was made by SE's Osaka team which also worked on KH BBS and Re: CoM. KH3 is also being made by this team, which is the main KH team going forward. The old team that made KH1 and 2 is working on FF XV.

Not that I dont believe you, cause I do and it makes sense, especially considering how close BBS and 3d play to each other; do you have a source. The more you know.

Now that I think about it, could be easily looked up online

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S.T.A.G.E. said:
oniyide said:
MystVearn said:

Square Enix, the company that doesn't even support (with the exception of Dragon Quest titles) 3DS, a system that will destroy the sales of FC, SFC, PSX and PS2.

How many million of units does a Nintendo system need to sell in order to get good support from third-party companies?

whatever it is you are smoking, i want it. you think its going to destryo PS2 sales??? LOL, the DS didnt even do that. and 3ds is no ds

Square gave the 3DS a kingdom hearts game. This guy is smoking the good stuff.

they gave PSP, DS, GBA and even mobiles got one. Im not seeing your point and not sure what that has to do with 3DS outselling PS2.

Sales of the consoles have nothing to do with it, I think SE is just shifting to mobile gaming as in phones and a couple of console entries. Their either going full in or going really small

MystVearn said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
oniyide said:
MystVearn said:

Square Enix, the company that doesn't even support (with the exception of Dragon Quest titles) 3DS, a system that will destroy the sales of FC, SFC, PSX and PS2.

How many million of units does a Nintendo system need to sell in order to get good support from third-party companies?

whatever it is you are smoking, i want it. you think its going to destryo PS2 sales??? LOL, the DS didnt even do that. and 3ds is no ds

Square gave the 3DS a kingdom hearts game. This guy is smoking the good stuff.

I was talking about Japan.

Could I have a list of all upcoming Square Enix games for the system whose sales in Japan are bigger than PS3 + PSV combined?

that dont mean much, as its clear that SE is no longer focusing on that market like they used too. So it really doesnt matter how well it does in Japan.

ibrahimman0 said:
I think they can , even if the WiiU cant run it with just little extra work they sure could make it on WiiU, if they dont that just shows that they r lazy. Half of KH games are on Nintendo's consoles only.

Yeah and all are on Playstation consoles. Kingdom Hearts was built on the Playstation, so I guess they would feel its a valuable asset and a strong crowd. Sony took over the JRPG space during the PS era, so SE followed suit.

Hate to burst the bubble here but, Its not going to happen...ever. You want it, buy a ps3/ps4

PSN ID: Stokesy 

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StokedUp said:
Hate to burst the bubble here but, Its not going to happen...ever. You want it, buy a ps3/ps4

Or an Xbone/360 since Microsoft segmented Sonys crowd. Chances are most of them are coming back next gen.