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I'll have it day one ^^

On a side note, not sure if you guys were already aware of this, but I was just reading the Gamespot preview of Ryse and the guy says that the only way to actually get health back is to switch to the health bonus for executions. I think that's actually going to really improve the challenge of the game, especially on the hardest difficulty. You'll really be forced to push into combat even with low health and learn to perfect the timing on the executions. Plus, knowing me I'll always wanna have it set to XP bonus instead so I can unlock more executions, so it's going to be more tense.

So ya....just something I thought was cool

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I'm thinking we should have one last VGC play date before the X1 launches. To give a send off to the 360 before it goes into official last gen retirement. Who would be down?

I was playing some Forza 5 today and it froze.


Seece said:
RavenXtra said:

We need a list of day one buyers so we can get hyped together!

I should be getting it day one unless the give my preorder to someone else -_-  I pre-ordered right after E3

But how're you making the 14 Days to Go?  The fonts are pretty awesome.  


Finals - What is the Best Xbox One Game Tournament?

Halo 5  
Quantum Break  

Halo 5 vs Quantum Break


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As much as I love Halo I think I'm actually more excited to see Quantum Break. Remedy is an amazing studio and I loved Alan Wake. Plus I kind of want to see Microsoft L.A. Studios Tie in on the game.

Tough decision but Quantum Break O.O


Goatseye said:

Where Can I get Day One edition still? Online or physical store.
I don't accept negative answers. You don't wanna see me mad.

Sure! I saw one on Ebay for $10k, but I could be talking into parting with mine for only $9,500.00 such a bargan!


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!

RavenXtra said:

I doubt I'll have it day one unfortunately, I pre-ordered a little too late for that. I will be going into GameStop on November 22nd though since I'll be buying Super Mario 3D World. Maybe I'll get lucky and they'll have an extra. :)

Time to go to that midnight launch :P lol jk  Those things are kind of scary lol


Voted for Quantum Break :P

Ronster316 said:

< I got Killer Insinct

248,000+ gamerscore & 6 year 7 months a gold member.

Aint switched on my 360 today though (found out through my MSN account)

When i switch it on tomorrow it would be EXTRA sweet if i got a free ONE (happy regardless though)

Next big question is....... does this free Killer Instinct also include the Original Killer Instinct?

Wow! Congratualtions on the game And the gamerscore.  Enjoy the game.

I don't think the original is included as they have repeately said the Xbox One is not backwards compatiable.


Really not sure I see any point of Consol over PC's since Kinect, Wii and other alternative ways to play have been abandoned. 

Top 50 'most fun' game list coming soon!


Tell me a funny joke!