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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Update: Forza Motorsport 5 doesn't require a day one update to play after all

J_Allard said:

I have the XL Edition. Bought it last week because some of my friends are getting into the game. 13 patches, well above 100MB. Load times seem much improved the me, sure as hell better than launch. But you didn't answer the question. It's ok, I know you would still recommend the game even with multiple GB's of patches and a large mandatory install. Just seems strange that people would make a big deal about it with one game yet it's no big deal on another game. Nothing more to say on the matter, and no, I wasn't "wrong" with anything I said.

lol you are right about the XL Edition... it came with the v2.00... so 13 patches (1634MB)... I forget the XL is different from Academy Edition that cames with the v2.07... so 6 patches (470MB)... the v2.08 is big after that all patches are little ones (< 50MB).

I recomend any guy to buy the newest version.. XL (US), Academy (EU), Spec II (Japan) and 2013 (Asia)... and it is not mandatory install... you don't need to install the patches.

And I can recomend the Forza 5 for Xbone owners too... apples to orange...

Apple = The mandatory DLC to the game works offline is UNACEPTABLE.
Orange = Forza 5 can be good or great.

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Forza 5 will be great as good as Forza 4 or better the only downside is that it still doesn't have day night races and weather effects and it might not have as many cars as 4 since every car is included in the autovista mode.

It downloadable content that is available for free on launch day so technically it is 1st day free DLC.

Chris Hu said:

Forza 5 will be great as good as Forza 4 or better the only downside is that it still doesn't have day night races and weather effects and it might not have as many cars as 4 since every car is included in the autovista mode.

- Vastly reduced car roster (I don't know how many less cars)
- Less tracks
- No storefront
- Np Action House

That is the list of what was removed from Forza 5 compared to Forza 4... what is new:

+ Drivatar
+ All cars in Autovista

That what I know for now... I expect more info in Gamescon.

will this game work if you don't update the game ?

...not much time to post anymore, used to be awesome on here really good fond memories from VGchartz...

PSN: Skeeuk - XBL: SkeeUK - PC: Skeeuk

really miss the VGCHARTZ of 2008 - 2013...

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Skeeuk said:
will this game work if you don't update the game ?

Seems like NO.

I doubt it will have less tracks especially since this day on DLC will include tracks and cars (so vastly reduced car roster is doubtful also).  Not having a store front is no biggy the custom paint jobs will now be free which I think is a good thing and the people that create them will still earn in game credits every time some downloads one of their designs.

I thought the DRM was gone? ...

I am the black sheep     "of course I'm crazy, but that doesn't mean I'm wrong."-Robert Anton Wilson

Ethomaz, I'm not sure how you can talk bad about Forza 5 shipping as a incomplete game then defend GT5. At least Forza 5 fans wont have to wait months to get all the content. I get that it might be inconvenient for some fans, but this is probably a bigger issue for Turn10 than anyone. I'm sure if you wait a little while Turn10 will release the full game on the disc when it's ready, but for those than can download the patch there is zero issues here.

This bickering is pointless. NO PRODUCT SHOULD BE SOLD UNFINISHED.

I don't care if it's Forza (which I love by the way) GT5, Mario Kart, Battlefield.

We gamers seem to enjoy being screwed over because most of us have some crazy loyalty to a multi-billion dollar corporation.

It's stupid.

Sony, Microsoft, Nintendo. It doesn't matter what company you support. We should not support this practice.

Would you buy a CD if it only had half the songs? A movie?



        Wii FC: 6440 8298 7583 0720   XBOX GT: WICK1978               PSN: its_the_wick   3DS: 1676-3747-7846                                          Nintendo Network: its-the-wick

Systems I've owned: Atari 2600, NES, SNES, GBColor, N64, Gamecube, PS2, Xbox, GBAdvance, DSlite, PSP, Wii, Xbox360, PS3, 3DS, PSVita, PS4, 3DS XL, Wii U

The best quote I've seen this year:

Angelus said: I'm a moron