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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Mistakes a console companies tend to make

TheRealMafoo said:
only one really matters, and that's not enough great exclusive games. Dream Cast, X-Box, 3DO, and every other console that failed or will fail.


Dreamcast? Are you shitting me? That's the one console in memory that launched with a solid library of good and diverse games, and those were almost all exclusive since the system had nearly a year to itself. It was only when developers realized - quickly- that the DC wasn't going to last long that many of their games ended up going to other systems - usually the PS2 - but even then it was months after they first launched.

Dreamcast was killed for 2 related reasons:

1) Sega's mishandling of the Genesis and Saturn completely undermined consumer confidence in the brand. This allowed...

2) Sony's rise to take Sega's place. By the time the DC was announced, Sony had built a strong following, and soon after it was promising the most bestest, most powerfulest console ever. Sure it was mostly bullshit, but I knew dozens of students who wouldn't give the DC a sniff because "PS2 is coming, and it is gonna be AWESOME!" Didn't matter that it launched at a high price with one decent game, making it a glorified DVD player for it's first year. The PR worked, and kept people away from the DC.


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misterd said:
TheRealMafoo said:
only one really matters, and that's not enough great exclusive games. Dream Cast, X-Box, 3DO, and every other console that failed or will fail.


Dreamcast? Are you shitting me? That's the one console in memory that launched with a solid library of good and diverse games, and those were almost all exclusive since the system had nearly a year to itself. It was only when developers realized - quickly- that the DC wasn't going to last long that many of their games ended up going to other systems - usually the PS2 - but even then it was months after they first launched.

Dreamcast was killed for 2 related reasons:

1) Sega's mishandling of the Genesis and Saturn completely undermined consumer confidence in the brand. This allowed...

2) Sony's rise to take Sega's place. By the time the DC was announced, Sony had built a strong following, and soon after it was promising the most bestest, most powerfulest console ever. Sure it was mostly bullshit, but I knew dozens of students who wouldn't give the DC a sniff because "PS2 is coming, and it is gonna be AWESOME!" Didn't matter that it launched at a high price with one decent game, making it a glorified DVD player for it's first year. The PR worked, and kept people away from the DC.


LOL...yep, what he said!

I actually bought a ps2 when it came out and sold my dreamcast...and bought it back a month later.  That PS2 died after 6 months of beng used as a DVD player...(disk reed error)

Lack of exclusive games doesn't mean a console will fail and certanly isn't a manufacturers mistake. Some systems that weren't dominant and had great exclusives are Dreamcast, Saturn, N64, Neo Geo.

mistake #0 (the ultimate essence of all mistakes)

Not being Nintendo


Seppukuties is like LBP Lite, on crack. Play it already!

Currently wrapped up in: Half Life, Portal, and User Created Source Mods
Games I want: (Wii)Mario Kart, Okami, Bully, Conduit,  No More Heroes 2 (GC) Eternal Darkness, Killer7, (PS2) Ico, God of War1&2, Legacy of Kain: SR2&Defiance

My Prediction: Wii will be achieve 48% market share by the end of 2008, and will achieve 50% by the end of june of 09. Prediction Failed.

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being "mad with power" is going to be one of the main reasons the PS3 becomes such a big success. blu ray is a big selling point and you are listing it as a mistake. and i am anticipating big waves from the first multi-plat game that is multiple DVD's on XBox and 1 blu ray on PS3. (some doubt that would ever be an issue tho)

your 3 is wrong. PS1 and 2 were reliable. My PS1 broke after probably 3 years, then I got the smaller version. My PS2 still works today, got it in 2000 or 2001.

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Shouldn't the DS be added to #6? I mean it doesn't even have to be modded.

EDIT: I posted nothign apparently.

 Hmm, oh well.

@ Coolestguyever

I agree, I've not ever really had any problems with my PS2, got it in launch in UK and stiull works fine now. PS1, I had 2, one failed after 3 years to the common sensor error, the replacemtn still works fine. So does my brother's PS1 slim and my sister's PS2 slim.

Hmm, pie.

coolestguyever said:
your 3 is wrong. PS1 and 2 were reliable. My PS1 broke after probably 3 years, then I got the smaller version. My PS2 still works today, got it in 2000 or 2001.

I am sure some first gen ps2's and ps1's work fine. However, at this point its somewhat of a known fact that early gen ps1's and ps2's had issues. Google PS2 DRE... or ps1 overheating


you are right about the DS. should be added to #6...



I think ps3 should be on that list because there was more talk about how amazing the Cell and bluray are than about good games that are coming out. I mean cell has 8 processors...amazing, lets see some games. It has a 40GB storage disk it uses for games...WOW, how about those games! did you know it has HDMI? Sweet, games please! Its backwards compat...umm maybe not.

PS2 was also guily of the hype but it worked for them. It clearly did not work for PS3 as people are still complaining with..."where are the games?"

Also, how will that ruin the game experience...having a game that is on 2 DVD's on xbox and 1 bluray on ps3? Very few people will say "oh no, I have to switch a dvd mid game...thats it, I'm getting a ps3".

As xbox 360 games load faster because of a faster drive, I'm sure the person playing will have time to go get coffee at starbucks, come back, switch the game and he would still be farther than playing the ps3 version. 

disolitude said:

1. Price too high - Sega Saturn, PS3, 3DO, Neo Geo

2. Lack of games available at launch- Sega Saturn, N64, Sega 32X, PS2

3. System reliability - Xbox 360, Ps2, PS1, Atari Jaguar, Atari 5200

4. Pointless Ad-ons - Sega 32X, Jaguar CD, 64DD

5. Difficult to program for - PS3, Sega Saturn, PS2, N64

6. Lack of or bad copyright protection to prevent piracy - Xbox 360, Wii, Dreamcast, 3DO, Sega CD, PSP - While some of these had copyright protection, for those systems listed it was broken in less than a year

7. Short Supply - Wii, PS2

8. Unnecesssary Censorship - SNES, n64

9. Allowing only 3-5 games per company per year - Nintendo - what system?

10. No 3rd party support - N64, Sega Saturn, Tubographix, Master System, gamecube

11. Sticking with Cartridges - N64

12. Awful PR - Saturn, PS3, Jaguar

13. Gone mad with power (thinking technically superior means best) - PS3, Jaguar, 3DO, Neo Geo

14. Bad console idea to begin with - Virtual Boy, Sega 32X, Philips CDi

Looking at the list, 2 things are clear... Sega Saturn went wrong in almost every aspect that matters possible and it explains why Sega went from industry leader to out of the console industry. Other than the short supply, Nintendo did their homework with the Wii.

 9. Nes and maybee SNES.


However this was just after the big video game crash where to many games got developed and every game failed. It could be argued that that kept gaming alive and thus not a mistake.


Of cause combined with '11. Sticking with Cartridges' and '5. Difficult to program for' lead to '10. No 3rd party support - N64'


Also the opposite of 11. 

15. Using discs - PSP 

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