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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Raise the flame shield: Your "controversial" gaming opinion.

consoles used to be the best thing for gaming. now they are the worst. same garbage (game wise) for the past 20+ years.

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Xbox has only ever copied everyone else's ideas and not been very good at it in terms of innovation. It also passes off games like Titanfall as exclusive when they are not. So misleading! Elsewhere, you get proper exclusives as they are on the one format only. Microsoft also think it is a good idea to buy tons of timed exclusive DLC which is just pointless when they could develop something. People only like Xbox because of Halo. Nothing else.

Other things in the industry that bother me:

Rip off DLC, if you going to do it add something that required some effort and adds something to the game. (not map packs, unlock everything, costumes etc.) Add new modes, new single player content etc. Red Dead Redemption and Burnout Paradise did DLC well

Profit over innovation, too many companies have tried to play it safe and release as much as they can, without changing anything much (COD). Games need variety and to try new things. I think part of the problem is that developers get too much of a budget and so won't try new things as much especially given the economic situation. 

People who buy consoles for just one franchise!

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch will sell better than Wii U Lifetime Sales by Jan 1st 2018

*Pulls my list from my drawers near the table*

Ok then!

Super Paper Mario is the best Paper Mario and the TTYD is a piece of crap compared to it and the first.

Mario & Luigi series destroys the Paper Mario series.

Galaxy is the worst 3D Mario and Sunshine is the best.

Ocarina of Time is the worst 3D Zelda and Link's Awakening is the worst Zelda game, with OoT being two places above it.

Runescape is a underrated MMORPG and does not deserve the hate it has gotten the past years, except for the lack of updates this year. It is one of the best games ever created.

Battlefiels series is a piece of garbage and does nothing good but to have pretty graphics that is not even that pretty.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series has way more depth than the mainline series and is way better than it.

Apollo Justice is better than AA1 and AA2 and very close to AA3.

Naughty Dog has been making worse games since this generation and the Uncharted series is the most overrated one.

Littlebigplanet sucks.

Banjo Kazooie GBA is Banjo 3 and is better than the first one.

Animal Crossing is boring as hell.

Capcom gets too much flak and does not deserve the hate they get. Same goes for Square Enix.

N64 is not as good as people make it out to be, PS1 was superior.

Killzone is the best Sony IP that they have brought back with the PS3.

Gears of Wars has the most hideous designs for characters in games.

Okami is a horrible game and the slow ass text and voices for the characters did not help from stopping playing the game.

Eternal Darkness is one of the worst games I have ever played and is overrated.


Well that is it for now. I will come back soon and even spread out more of my dislikes within gaming and with that VGChartz will burn to the core.

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David

The popularity gaming has been gaining over the last decade is ruining the industry as a whole.

Nothing more than shooters, flashy substance, fast faster fastest experiences is what sell the most to the ever more superficial becoming world of gamers. Creativity my ass.
The only reason there's a COD every year is because the sheep make the company a shitload of money with the same generic experience.
Instead of striving for a name, get a buzz from the crowd because you've made something new, they know very well what will sell to the public.
So, 'hardcore' gamers, please stop buying COD, HALO, FIFA, UNCHARTED, INFAMOUS and all the other safe bets company push down your throats and make sure they finally try something new!

Bethesa is pretty much Overated in all End.

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Super Mario World and A Link to the Past, while great, are unbelievably overrated...
I don't understand all the love Half-Life 2 gets...
Too many games on Steam look like Bejeweled clones to me...
Darksiders is just alright...
Rayman Origins isn't very good at all...
Anyone complaining that a game is "too linear" doesn't want to like the game in question ninety percent of the time...
Necromorphs scare the crap out of me...

Have a nice day...

Games that ask the player to come up with their own content are creatively bankrupt.

Hardcore gamers crave new IP and new ideas, but if you mess with their evolved SNES controller, the shit hits the fan.

Indie platformers are mostly style over substance, with little to no replay value.


artur-fernand said:
KungKras said:
I hate SCE. And I think companies like Sony and Microsoft have no business making consoles. I think it has taken the soul out of gaming consoles, and it has hurt PC gaming.

Wait, so you think only Nintendo should make consoles? Is that what you're saying?

I think Nintendo and Sega, and perhaps similar gaming-focused companies should make consoles.


artur-fernand said:

- I think Sega consoles are pretty meh. The Master System is extremely insignificant, the Saturn was an abysmal failure and the Dreamcast is decent, but died way too early to see if it was gonna become a great console. The Genesis/Mega Drive's library has a huge arcade feel to it - games have limited lives and continues, many of them don't even have passwords, let alone a saving system...Even series that always had infinite continues have limited ones on the system, like Castlevania Bloodlines. Sonic 1 and 2 need to be finished in one seating, and if you die too many times, you guessed it - back to the beginning of the game.
It's a home console, not a fucking arcade. The system's success feels like a freak accident considering Sega's history.

Fair enough, I respect your opinion. But re: the Megadrive you might be underestimating the popularity of coin-op arcades at the time. The "arcade feel" you refer to WAS the major selling point of the Megadrive - the difficulty was an important factor because no one wanted to be finished with a £40-50 16bit cartridge in a week.

In the early days of the Megadrive there were no save slots on cartridges (unless I'm mistaken SNES pioneered that and MD followed later). In defense of the Megadrive, if you judge it by the standards of it's time it is a legendary console. If you judge it by today's standards, fair enough.

Too much planning, and you'll never get anything done.

Karl Pilkington.

Kantor said:
adriane23 said:

There is no such thing as a good retail game that was only made for the PC.

I strongly disagree with most of the things you said, but those are just opinions. This is just not true.

StarCraft II, The Witcher, Civilization V and plenty of others.

The whole genre of RTS sucks (add that to another one of my opinions) in my opinion, so that rules out Starcraft.

You had to go all the way back to 2007 for The Witcher, but I'll give you that one.

There really isn't anything else though, I'm afraid. 99.999998% of great games are either multiplate or console exclusive.

I am the Playstation Avenger.