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*Pulls my list from my drawers near the table*

Ok then!

Super Paper Mario is the best Paper Mario and the TTYD is a piece of crap compared to it and the first.

Mario & Luigi series destroys the Paper Mario series.

Galaxy is the worst 3D Mario and Sunshine is the best.

Ocarina of Time is the worst 3D Zelda and Link's Awakening is the worst Zelda game, with OoT being two places above it.

Runescape is a underrated MMORPG and does not deserve the hate it has gotten the past years, except for the lack of updates this year. It is one of the best games ever created.

Battlefiels series is a piece of garbage and does nothing good but to have pretty graphics that is not even that pretty.

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series has way more depth than the mainline series and is way better than it.

Apollo Justice is better than AA1 and AA2 and very close to AA3.

Naughty Dog has been making worse games since this generation and the Uncharted series is the most overrated one.

Littlebigplanet sucks.

Banjo Kazooie GBA is Banjo 3 and is better than the first one.

Animal Crossing is boring as hell.

Capcom gets too much flak and does not deserve the hate they get. Same goes for Square Enix.

N64 is not as good as people make it out to be, PS1 was superior.

Killzone is the best Sony IP that they have brought back with the PS3.

Gears of Wars has the most hideous designs for characters in games.

Okami is a horrible game and the slow ass text and voices for the characters did not help from stopping playing the game.

Eternal Darkness is one of the worst games I have ever played and is overrated.


Well that is it for now. I will come back soon and even spread out more of my dislikes within gaming and with that VGChartz will burn to the core.

Check out my Upcoming Wii U Games 2014 Thread

3DS Friend Code: 4553 - 9954 - 4854. Name - David