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Ocarina of Time, the Uncharted Series, and both Super Mario Galaxy titles are horribly overrated.

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People expecting Final Fantasy 15 to be great will, IMO, be sorely disappointed and/or are delusional.

Love and tolerate.

Ssenkahdavic said:

9) Eternal Darkness is the best game Nintendo has ever been part of.

A big huge YES to this statement. one of my favourite games of all time

Current Game Machines: 3DS, Wii U, PC.

Currently Playing: X-Com(PC), Smash Bros(WiiU), Banner Saga(PC), Guild Wars 2(PC), Project X Zone(3DS), Luigis Mansion 2(3DS), DayZ(PC)

I think everything the XBOX-brand has contributed to the console-market has been negative

edit: Shadow of the Colossus has some good ideas, but the execution is awful

edit 2: Journey is nothing but a pretentious overrated walking-simulator

Michael-5 said:

LOL, but readying that about Zelda and Mass Effect, wow your opinion is far from the normal.

I tend not to like WRPGs because they love to do choice and then do it poorly. With Mass Effect I kept winding up with three choices I hated. Being big into tabletop RPGs, I typically knew exactly what I wanted "my Shepard" to do, it's just Bioware wouldn't let me do that.

EXAMPLE: Beginning of ME1. I'm on the bridge with the Captain and the alien VIP Nihlus. Joker has just impressed this VIP with an astute bit of navigation and now it's my turn. I want to look professional. I want to stand there and say nothing, or, barring that, ask an intelligent question which indicates a deep knowledge of the situation. What options do I get?

Three versions of "What's this about, sir?"

This is not two minutes into the game and I am already convinced Shepard is one incompetent soldier.

For comparison, in FF XIII-2 you have their choice prompts which do basically the same thing, but I regularly wanted to pick ALL of the options instead of none of them. They're written from a pre-built character's point of view, so both the options and the limited freedom makes sense.

As to Zelda, which one doesn't belong: A Link to the Past, Ocarina, Wind Waker. ALttP and WW both have deep mythology and character development. Ocarina does not.

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adriane23 said:

There is no such thing as a good retail game that was only made for the PC.

I strongly disagree with most of the things you said, but those are just opinions. This is just not true.

StarCraft II, The Witcher, Civilization V and plenty of others.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Yoshi's Island on the SNES is the best 2D platformer ever made, Super Mario World gets way too much praise as both it's predecessor and said Yoshi's Island mopped the floor with it. Even New Super Mario Bros. mops the floor with it.

Non-traditional control schemes in the Zelda games Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks and Skyward Sword were cool.

DanneSandin said:
Most of Sony's 1st party studios aren't half as good as people say they are, and MS don't have any worthwhile 1st party studios. Consequently most of Sony's and MS's 1st party games aren't good.

The 7th gen of gaming is the worst gen, with the only exception of the 6th gen. The 6th gen sucked balls.

The best thing that ever came out of the 7th gen was motion controls. Not better graphics/hardware.

PCs are overrated.

the 80's and 90's were much better for gaming than the 00's and 10's

Online has destroyed a lot of gaming with forced multiplayer, DLC's and other suckness. Fuck you MS.

Only good part with online is patching up a game (which shouldn't be needed really) and SOME onli multiplayer games. SOME.

Developers are sloppy these days.

I agree with every letter you just wrote here. Especially the 80's/90's > 00's/10's (it's no contest actually) and the '6th gen sucks balls' .

Egann said:

As to Zelda, which one doesn't belong: A Link to the Past, Ocarina, Wind Waker. ALttP and WW both have deep mythology and character development. Ocarina does not.

I don't know where in the game (ALttP) you picked that up, but ALttP barely has any story at all and definitely zero character development! Every bit of mythology is just as applicable to Ocarina (and every other Zelda) as to ALttP because they form one large 'legend' .

S.Peelman said:

Yoshi's Island on the SNES is the best 2D platformer ever made, Super Mario World gets way too much praise as both it's predecessor and said Yoshi's Island mopped the floor with it. Even New Super Mario Bros. mops the floor with it.

Non-traditional control schemes in the Zelda games Phantom Hourglass, Spirit Tracks and Skyward Sword were cool.

DanneSandin said:
Most of Sony's 1st party studios aren't half as good as people say they are, and MS don't have any worthwhile 1st party studios. Consequently most of Sony's and MS's 1st party games aren't good.

The 7th gen of gaming is the worst gen, with the only exception of the 6th gen. The 6th gen sucked balls.

The best thing that ever came out of the 7th gen was motion controls. Not better graphics/hardware.

PCs are overrated.

the 80's and 90's were much better for gaming than the 00's and 10's

Online has destroyed a lot of gaming with forced multiplayer, DLC's and other suckness. Fuck you MS.

Only good part with online is patching up a game (which shouldn't be needed really) and SOME onli multiplayer games. SOME.

Developers are sloppy these days.

I agree with every letter you just wrote here. Especially the 80's/90's > 00's/10's (it's no contest actually) and the '6th gen sucks balls' .

nice to hear =) I might revisit this thread tomorrow and add some new things... Like how Nintendo has stopped to innovate except with the motion controls :P

I'm on Twitter @DanneSandin!

Furthermore, I think VGChartz should add a "Like"-button.

Egann said:
Michael-5 said:

LOL, but readying that about Zelda and Mass Effect, wow your opinion is far from the normal.

I tend not to like WRPGs because they love to do choice and then do it poorly. With Mass Effect I kept winding up with three choices I hated. Being big into tabletop RPGs, I typically knew exactly what I wanted "my Shepard" to do, it's just Bioware wouldn't let me do that.

EXAMPLE: Beginning of ME1. I'm on the bridge with the Captain and the alien VIP Nihlus. Joker has just impressed this VIP with an astute bit of navigation and now it's my turn. I want to look professional. I want to stand there and say nothing, or, barring that, ask an intelligent question which indicates a deep knowledge of the situation. What options do I get?

Three versions of "What's this about, sir?"

This is not two minutes into the game and I am already convinced Shepard is one incompetent soldier.

For comparison, in FF XIII-2 you have their choice prompts which do basically the same thing, but I regularly wanted to pick ALL of the options instead of none of them. They're written from a pre-built character's point of view, so both the options and the limited freedom makes sense.

As to Zelda, which one doesn't belong: A Link to the Past, Ocarina, Wind Waker. ALttP and WW both have deep mythology and character development. Ocarina does not.

Yea, some of the decisions in Mass Effect 1 really are meaningless. Near the end of the game they become more important, especially the ones end game. One of the biggest critisizms of the Mass Effect series is how all the decisions we made in the game did not effect the ending of the trilogy.

Ocarina of Time does not have character development? That's a first.. What about Princess Zelda becoming Sheik? How can ALttP have more character development then OoT?

Also how can you say you don't like WRPG's, when Fallout 3 is your avatar?

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