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Forums - Sales Discussion - Calling it now. The PS4 will outsell the Xbone 4:1!!

gooch_destroyer said:
tuscaniman99 said:
Xbox One has more media functions. All you have to do is watch the reveal and you will realize this. PS4 won't have instant switching, TV functions, exclusive NFL features, integrated twitch, Skype video calling, or snap to functions. I'm probably missing more. Kinect sold 24 million units, how many did PS Move sell? Kinect is miles more popular than the Move.

tablets can do those things too.

So what? the one who mentioned all this "media functions" was the other guy, not me, I don't really care about it.

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lxhizy said:

Oh, I thought Gears of War's sales were comparable to Halo. But well, it's still more popular which was my point. lol

Nothing is really comparable to Halo except Gran Turismo.

Wright said:
lxhizy said:

Oh, I thought Gears of War's sales were comparable to Halo. But well, it's still more popular which was my point. lol

Nothing is really comparable to Halo except Gran Turismo.

And they're awesome!!!!

tuscaniman99 said:
I'm pretty sure the PS3 was supposed to dominate the Xbox 360 too. -_-



Who ever thought the PS3 was going to dominate was a some good shit. 

Doesn't matter if Skype is supported by the PS4 or not. Video calling won't be possible unless the person buys the PS camera add on, and even then I don't remember them actually demonstrating Skype video calling. Kinect is integrated in every box of Xbox One sold. Skype video calls right out of the box. Once again in YOUR opinion the TV functions are garbage but in my opinion being able to instantly switch is amazing. The NFL feature is not a gaming feature you are correct and you actually back up my opinion of Sony going for the gamer while Microsoft is going for the gamer and the casual. NFL contract will pull casuals in with the features offered. I know I'll be using the fantasy football functions quite regularly. You are from Mexico? You must have no idea how big the NFL is.

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Wright said:
lxhizy said:


the only ones worth mentioning are Forza and Fable in that case, but they don't sell that well. :P

You're kidding, right? You should check Fable's sales.

dude its not worth the trouble, just let it be. 


btw we all know apple pippin > xbox so stop trying to act otherwise 

You're done with me? Thank you for sparing my time. I'm a Notre Dame fan and you would know that Notre Dame - Miami is a big rivalry but you aren't from the US so how would you know that? My quote wasn't even towards you.

The ratio you give is way too high but I do believe the PS4 will come out ahead of Xbox One.

Signature goes here!

Tablets only do one of those things which is Skype video calling. The ipad can't even multitask.

tuscaniman99 said:
You're done with me? Thank you for sparing my time. I'm a Notre Dame fan and you would know that Notre Dame - Miami is a big rivalry but you aren't from the US so how would you know that? My quote wasn't even towards you.

It wasn't for that actually, I don't even know what Notre Dame is, lol.

Anyways, you keep on buying your xbox one, and i'll get my ps4, I didn't want to change your mind at first, just gave my point of view.