JEMC said:
The problem with AC Shadows has never been the gameplay, but the criticisms from some groups and the poor way Ubisoft handled it, leading to other problems.
As for the price of the card, the 400€ mention was something I saw on the net regarding its price in Europe, which didn't make much sense. Hence why I asked if anyone else know where this came from. But it seems to be some nonsense that some tried to spread for some reason.
The card is actually "fairly" priced, with an almost 1:1 conversion. If you pick those $249 and add a 25% VAT (which I think is the one in Sweden), you get $313, making it almost a 1:1 conversion to your currency and Euros. It's actually not so usual nowadays.
Yeah, I'm aware of which group complained about AC and why.
"Not historical accurate" in a series where George Washington had super powers and Leonardo DaVinci built Ezio a tank. "He wasn't a samurai" for a character stated to have been bestowed the status of samurai by Nobunaga in a japanese developed game (NiOh), in the the Jp subtitles. Same in the Jp text of Samurai Warriors. Etc
So japanese devs seem cool with that interpritation.

But I was thinking the vast majority of gamers don't hang out in gaming communities online like we do. They learn about these games through regular ads and trailers. So I thought of the importance of gameplay for them.
However on second thought to your point, people that buy GPU's are probably majorly in the hardcore gaming crowd, so many of them have probably heard of this. Question is what portion of them feel negative about it, and were potential customers to begin with, since people often talk about games they never intended to play regardless.
It's a free game though, for seemingly no extra charge for the consumer.
It shouldn't notably affect Intel or Ubisoft one way or the other.
As for the price, you're right that VAT here is 25% from what I can tell. In my head I underestimated how much that becomes for a product in this price range.
And I forgot that the US Dollar is now 1:11 rather than 1:10 to our currency. So you're right, it actually lines up just about perfectly.
One thing I noticed that was slightly concerning is that the other models of the card from different brands were significantly marked up in the store I showed above, and in another popular local one.
Here's the second store, since the prices are the same as the previous one.

The other versions of the card are about $40 more than the base version. Same as the RTX 3060, which diminishes some of the appeal. But I still think the B580 is better in most metrics at the same price point.
I had heard that other versions of the card generally are more expensive, but I didn't expect it to be that much.
I tried looking at some US stores to see how it was there, but wasn't able to find a consistent price.
The reason I said slightly concerning is because Intel's own model is labeled "Limited Edition".
Is it expected to run out of stock permanently soon? If so, then the price advantage may disappear along with it.
But as I was looking at a third popular local electronics chain here, I found these significantly lower prices across the board on all versions of the card they have.

They don't have the base version, but the Sparkle version is about $50 cheaper here than the cheapest base model costs in the other stores.
Basically $300 instead of $350.
They don't have them in stock though. Says "Order product", meaning they'll order it upon purchase.
And it doesn't include the AC game, but this seems like a really good deal.
I tried adding it to my cart to see if that's actually the price, and yeah.

Just an added $14 for shipping.
$300 for this card seems very good for Sweden.
Although I prefer the look of the original version, and the 2 fans rather than 3.
But I think I might buy this.
Now I'm curious what kind of prices you guys can find on these B580 cards where you live?
Last edited by Hiku - on 15 December 2024