Reading that FF XVI article comments section nearly gave me an aneurism.
PC ports aren't "harder to make these days", it's that the higher ups don't give a shit, I mean just look at wtf is going on at Blizzard, look what SE/Ubishit are doing, peddling NFT bs. It's not a "oh PC hardware is the problem".
We're not stuck back in the 2000's. Can some folks get out of those damned time capsules and start reading the world for what it is, not what it was.
I feel like we're the only ones on this entire site, within this forum, that know about the issues Unreal Engine presents to PC ports, among other engine related issues, and everyone else on the site is just like "PC port hard/too expensive".
I'm just going to be straight up blunt; I feel like the site is slipping back into it's warring mode, especially with the whole Xbox vs Sony ABK shit going on, and PC ports being shit since last year. I don't want to say which faction is causing most of the rabble, but let's be honest, we all know which faction got purged the most years back, especially a bunch of known trolls who kept ragging on at least 3 platforms at once.
Mankind, in its arrogance and self-delusion, must believe they are the mirrors to God in both their image and their power. If something shatters that mirror, then it must be totally destroyed.