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Forums - Sales Discussion - Gran Turismo 6 Sales Prediction Thread

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How much will GT6 sell lifetime?

>15 million, best selling GT game 20 7.81%
12-15 million 19 7.42%
11-12 million 13 5.08%
10-11 million 40 15.63%
9-10 million 36 14.06%
8-9 million 28 10.94%
7-8 million 28 10.94%
6-7 million 35 13.67%
<6 million, It's going to bomb 33 12.89%
There's a Squirrel on the track!!! 4 1.56%
radiantshadow92 said:
mind said:
ethomaz said:


DriveClub will sell 5+ milllion lifetime.

Hell no. Why?

The game is free and tied to online(social features), i'm sure there would be complete pack of cars and tracks on psn, so people won't have to buy a full game, if they have ps+, even if game would be great(doubtable), 5m+ is something crazy.  Even gt6 on ps4 would have a hard time selling this kind of quantity.

it still counts even if its bundled. 

Mmm, i'm not talking about bundle, that won't help much anyway, PS+ version will be free for PS+ members, it's just not reasonable to buy a retail copy for full price.

Nintendo 2018

English is not my native language.
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I'll say 8 million.


NNID: FrequentFlyer54

I'll go with 8-9m

GT has a 15 year establish fan base, it's launching with 25 million more ps3 in home than when GT5 launched.
By week 10 it will be at 6 million. Drive club, Froza, ps4 and XBO are irrelevant when it comes to GT because its a $60 game. Racing fans will buy it due to its proven track record of being the best racing sim available anywhere.
By year 3 it should be at 10 million if not sooner. Never doubth GT!

about 10 million

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10 million.

People seem to forget that GT4 is still selling! GT titles have incredible legs. ethomaz, how many units has GT4 sold since the release of the PS3?

More then GT5
I think Prologue hurt GT5 sales a bit and GT6 will drop on a 80 millionish user base.

Oh yahh and its GT, come hell or high water it will do ten million.

10 million lifetime, don't underestimate GT games.

I see about half of GT5 sales come from the "rest of the world". That is amazing, I don't think there's any other popular game like that. Is it because of excessive bundling in those territories or is there some other reason? I know the series is popular everywhere, but that is a lot.

8.5-9 million... This new generation is going to get advantadge over the current one faster than the last time...

and I think PS4 will have his own GT faster than PS3. 2015 as latest...