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Forums - General Discussion - How does George W. Bush sleep at night?

valen200 said:
Kasz216 said:
Bursche said:
vaio said:
The moment Bush approve guantanamo bay prisons or detentions (what ever you want to call it) he became one step closer to Hussein and that´s why most people think he is a war criminal.

Yea because putting less than a thousand suspected terrorists in a US Military Base is about as bad as gassing millions of Kurds. Jeez, someone get the UN and arrest Bush!!!


Now Im not a far right, Im actually really moderate and I disapprove of Bush. But the man isnt nearly as bad as people make him out to be. HIstory will prove this. Scandals and an unpopular war makes him an easy target for just about everything under the sun, but if you really sit down and think about it, i mean without all the propaganda about everything being his fault, you will see heisnt THAT bad. He isnt great, good, hes just mediocre.

Eh, i'd put him in the "Mediocre-bad" column. He was nowhere near the worse... but I think we'd of been better off with a different president. I think when they eventually rate presidents he'll end up historically below the mendoza line.

The Mendoza like being William Henry Harrison of course.

For our non-american friends... the Mendoza line is a baseball term. It's when your batting average is below .198 or so. It's a term named after Mario Mendoza who was one of the best defensive players of all time... who sucked at hitting. Basically if you are a pitcher that hit's lower then he does, your defense is no longer better then your offense.

Basically your doing more bad then good.

Also for our non-american friends. William Henry Harrison died in 31 days into office.

So he did basically nothing. Presidents who fall below William Henry Harrison are basically seen as been bad for the nation, while those above have been seen to do atleast ok for the nation or at least didn't damage the country significantly even if outside situations hurt it that were unstoppable.

Bush wasn't anywhere nearas bad as Pierce, Harding or Buchanon. I'd put him neck and neck with Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson caused much worse problems... but he also had a much harder road out there, and they went about it about the same way... had they been switched presidencies i think Jackson would of handled everything better then Bush would handle reconstruction.

For those saying Lincoln was overrated.... note 3 of the 4 worst presidents ever surrounded him. Lincoln was freaking amazing. He just didn't give a damn about black people.


In terms of historical accuracy, I would have to say that this is the best post I have read in this thread.The "Parade of Fools" was the saddest batch of loser Presidents who were in office leading up to the Civil war. Lincoln outshines them by quite a bit, and Johnson got saddled with a terrible situation. Rutherford B. Hayes should also be added to the list of miserable presidents. Grant was also a better General than President, his military skills are for another thread. I do however think is unfair to say that Lincoln didn't give a damn about the slaves. He, and Grant, were from the Midwest and married into wealthy families that owned slaves. They shared a bond on this issue because they both felt deeply conflicted over slavery. Lincoln did use political expediency, but it was not a matter he took lightly. Most things related to the Civil war get overly simplified over time, and Lincoln is such a topic.


Yeah, i think historically Grant is considered right above William Henry Harrison, but he's considered the worst president to not be as bad as someone who died before doing anything.  Maybe "didn't give a damn" was unfair, but I think it was a very low priority to him, and if it wasn't deemed advantageous he wouldn't of freed them.

Ruthoford B Hayes was actually ranked in the middle of the pack i believe.  Probably because he tried all he could to prevent the rollback of Civil Rights enforcement and eventually was forced to compromise.

Other then that i can't really think of anything too positive or negative he did.  Their was the Union thing, but there were riots going on, anyone could of made the same mistake. 

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How do Bill and Hillary Clinton sleep at night?

Answer: Separate beds

Here's my opinion: Bush isn't the greatest president ever by a long shot, but he IS a hell of a lot better than Al Gore would have been, and don't even MENTION what John Kerry would been like as President... *shudder* Also, like it or not, more than 59000000 people voted for Bush in '04, so it's not like he stole that election, the Dems just failed to provide a better alternative.

IMO, the worst president ever is a tie: James Buchanan and Lyndon Johnson. Buchanan (term:1856-1860) stood by and let the southern states secede without any problems. Johnson (term:1963-1968) failed to pull out of Vietnam when it became apparent that we were going to lose and he did other crappy stuff like initiate the Social Security debacle by allowing people who didn't pay into it to receive checks from it and allowing the federal government to take money from it for other stuff (what FDR envisioned when he founded SS in the '30s was like a 401k that was guarenteed by the federal government. The purpose was to get people to save money for retirement after many were not as a result of the Great Depression wiping out their savings)
Also, at least a few books I've read have said that JFK was planning on pulling out of Vietnam because he realized the war was unwinable. (I'm not sure if that's accurate or not.)
So, regardless of how bad Bush may be, he's not as bad as the alternatives in both elections would have been and he's not even close to the worst president ever.

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

oh yeah, check out this vid: it's hilarious

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

Retrasado said:
Here's my opinion: Bush isn't the greatest president ever by a long shot, but he IS a hell of a lot better than Al Gore would have been, and don't even MENTION what John Kerry would been like as President... *shudder* Also, like it or not, more than 59000000 people voted for Bush in '04, so it's not like he stole that election, the Dems just failed to provide a better alternative.

IMO, the worst president ever is a tie: James Buchanan and Lyndon Johnson. Buchanan (term:1856-1860) stood by and let the southern states secede without any problems. Johnson (term:1963-1968) failed to pull out of Vietnam when it became apparent that we were going to lose and he did other crappy stuff like initiate the Social Security debacle by allowing people who didn't pay into it to receive checks from it and allowing the federal government to take money from it for other stuff (what FDR envisioned when he founded SS in the '30s was like a 401k that was guarenteed by the federal government. The purpose was to get people to save money for retirement after many were not as a result of the Great Depression wiping out their savings)
Also, at least a few books I've read have said that JFK was planning on pulling out of Vietnam because he realized the war was unwinable. (I'm not sure if that's accurate or not.)
So, regardless of how bad Bush may be, he's not as bad as the alternatives in both elections would have been and he's not even close to the worst president ever.

Yeah. I've got some bad news for you, since you seem to be a very rightest republican. Historically Lyndon Johnson is ranked higher as a president then Ronald Reagan.

Ever hear of Civil Rights legislation? He passed a LOT of them. Including the main one and ones that provided stuff like Fair Housing and ESL classes.

Also he did try and pull out of vietnam. He stopped fighting and offered peacetalks with Hanoi.

My favorite president is Roosevelt personally.(the only one I own a portrait of)

Teddy Roosevelt.   I'd be much happier if the Republican party moved back towards Teddy's core values.(Not that they were always right their due to the Bull-Moose debacle.)

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^^dude, I've got nothing against his civil rights legislation, but the stuff I mentioned is why I think he's so bad. (there's a reson he didn't run for a second term in '68) also, where have you seen LBJ ranked higher than Ronald Reagan? Just curious. (I'm assuming there was a reason Reagan got 528 electoral votes in 1984)

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it

Retrasado said:
^^dude, I've got nothing against his civil rights legislation, but the stuff I mentioned is why I think he's so bad. (there's a reson he didn't run for a second term in '68) also, where have you seen LBJ ranked higher than Ronald Reagan? Just curious. (I'm assuming there was a reason Reagan got 528 electoral votes in 1984)

Yeah. His health. He had heart problems due to his health. Besides it's not like voting always matters. I mean sometimes the president has to go against popular opinion to do the right thing.(civil rights bills were unpopular at that time to my knowledge.) That's the biggest problem with democracies. People start voting for what they want instead of what they need.

He left the Office in 1969. He died in 1973.

Reagan got 528 electoral votes in 1984 because of who he was up against.

As for the Poll, The Siena Research Institute's 2002. It polls historical scholars.  They're the best because they seem to get the most historical scholars to do a poll.

Lyndon Johnson ranks ahead of him.

While Reagan "won the cold war"... pretty much anyone could have as it was already crumbling, Reagan was just smart (or foolhardy) enough to seal his legacy by making the big speech people told him was a bad idea.)

There was also the giant raising of the national debt and the Iran Contra. Which started the strain on our economy and the discrediting of our country to other nations.


(FYI early polling seems to suggest that Bush is going to drop pretty far from his 2002 numbers where he was ranked in the top half of the presidents... right after 9/11. The whole Iraq thing really screwed up his legacy.)

It's all about what you care about. If you care about civil rights, balanced budgets and an isolationist foreign policy, it's very hard to like Bush. In those areas, no other candidate could really do worse.

Now, if instead of that you think that a president with a lot of power makes a lot of sense, think that trusting the government to spy on americans is a small price to pay for feeling safer, and think that the country doesn't support the troops enough, Bush might be a good thing.

I for one don't like many things he's done:

-I didn't think that invading Irak made any sense.
-I think the PATRIOT act is unpatriotic.
-I don't think that No Child Left Behind is the right approach to education.
-I think the judges he appointed to the supreme court have sent the country back 100 years.
-I think his excessive spending cannot be considered reasonable by economic conservatives.

So in the end, I think we'll have to live with his mistakes for many years. Oh well, at least he didn't extend copyrights or signed the DMCA into law. Those are Clinton's sins.

If it makes you feel better though. Johnson is only ranked 1 ahead of Reagan. In previous years he was many down from Johnson and in the 20's. Seems the farther away you get from reagans actually presidency the better think of him. (Go figure)

Anyways it went

1. FDR
2. Lincoln (gets 1 in a lot of other polls, mostly done before regans presidency)
3. Theodore Roosevelt (my boy)
4. George Washington
5. Thomas Jefferson
6. Woodrow Wilson
7. Truman
8. Monroe
9. Madison
10. Eisenhower
11. Polk
12. Adams
13. Andrew Jackson (Jacksonian democracy apparently way more important than native american's lives and the banking system)
14. John F Kennedy (Yeah I know, that probablly hurts you too.)
15. Lyndon B Johnson
16. Ronald Reagan (Up from 26 big jump)
17. John Quincy Adams.

Pause here... cause this next one is going to piss off people who are too far right republicans.

18. William Jefferson Clinton (That's right... in the top half. Was 23 last time the poll was conducted... so atleast reagan jumped ahead of him.)
19. William Mckinley
20. Grover Cleveland
21. Taft
22. George W Bush (Post 9/11-Pre Iraq. He's gonna drop hard)
23. Martin Van Buren.
24. Jimmy Carter. ("He's history's greatest monster!" - character from the critic)
25. Richard Nixon (Good president aside from the illegal wire tapping.)
26. Rutheford B Hayes
27. Gerald Ford
28. Coolidge
29. Chester A. Arhtur
30. Hebert Hoover
31. Benjamin Harrison (The president I always forget.)
32. James Garfield
33. Zachary Taylor
34. Grant (The last guy before the guy who did nothig.)
35. William Henry Harrison
36. John Tyler
37. Millard Fillmore
38. Franklyn Pierce
39. Warren G Harding
40. James Buchanon
41. Andrew Johnson (I think they're being tough on Andy. He couldn't go through with lincoln's plans cause the north wanted blood)

* Note, there are only 41 presidents on this list despite bush being the 42nd. The reason is that Grover Cleveland was both are 22nd and 24th president.

Hm usually I see Harding as the worst President in most of these polls. Looks like good list though.

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