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If it makes you feel better though. Johnson is only ranked 1 ahead of Reagan. In previous years he was many down from Johnson and in the 20's. Seems the farther away you get from reagans actually presidency the better think of him. (Go figure)

Anyways it went

1. FDR
2. Lincoln (gets 1 in a lot of other polls, mostly done before regans presidency)
3. Theodore Roosevelt (my boy)
4. George Washington
5. Thomas Jefferson
6. Woodrow Wilson
7. Truman
8. Monroe
9. Madison
10. Eisenhower
11. Polk
12. Adams
13. Andrew Jackson (Jacksonian democracy apparently way more important than native american's lives and the banking system)
14. John F Kennedy (Yeah I know, that probablly hurts you too.)
15. Lyndon B Johnson
16. Ronald Reagan (Up from 26 big jump)
17. John Quincy Adams.

Pause here... cause this next one is going to piss off people who are too far right republicans.

18. William Jefferson Clinton (That's right... in the top half. Was 23 last time the poll was conducted... so atleast reagan jumped ahead of him.)
19. William Mckinley
20. Grover Cleveland
21. Taft
22. George W Bush (Post 9/11-Pre Iraq. He's gonna drop hard)
23. Martin Van Buren.
24. Jimmy Carter. ("He's history's greatest monster!" - character from the critic)
25. Richard Nixon (Good president aside from the illegal wire tapping.)
26. Rutheford B Hayes
27. Gerald Ford
28. Coolidge
29. Chester A. Arhtur
30. Hebert Hoover
31. Benjamin Harrison (The president I always forget.)
32. James Garfield
33. Zachary Taylor
34. Grant (The last guy before the guy who did nothig.)
35. William Henry Harrison
36. John Tyler
37. Millard Fillmore
38. Franklyn Pierce
39. Warren G Harding
40. James Buchanon
41. Andrew Johnson (I think they're being tough on Andy. He couldn't go through with lincoln's plans cause the north wanted blood)

* Note, there are only 41 presidents on this list despite bush being the 42nd. The reason is that Grover Cleveland was both are 22nd and 24th president.