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It's all about what you care about. If you care about civil rights, balanced budgets and an isolationist foreign policy, it's very hard to like Bush. In those areas, no other candidate could really do worse.

Now, if instead of that you think that a president with a lot of power makes a lot of sense, think that trusting the government to spy on americans is a small price to pay for feeling safer, and think that the country doesn't support the troops enough, Bush might be a good thing.

I for one don't like many things he's done:

-I didn't think that invading Irak made any sense.
-I think the PATRIOT act is unpatriotic.
-I don't think that No Child Left Behind is the right approach to education.
-I think the judges he appointed to the supreme court have sent the country back 100 years.
-I think his excessive spending cannot be considered reasonable by economic conservatives.

So in the end, I think we'll have to live with his mistakes for many years. Oh well, at least he didn't extend copyrights or signed the DMCA into law. Those are Clinton's sins.