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Here's my opinion: Bush isn't the greatest president ever by a long shot, but he IS a hell of a lot better than Al Gore would have been, and don't even MENTION what John Kerry would been like as President... *shudder* Also, like it or not, more than 59000000 people voted for Bush in '04, so it's not like he stole that election, the Dems just failed to provide a better alternative.

IMO, the worst president ever is a tie: James Buchanan and Lyndon Johnson. Buchanan (term:1856-1860) stood by and let the southern states secede without any problems. Johnson (term:1963-1968) failed to pull out of Vietnam when it became apparent that we were going to lose and he did other crappy stuff like initiate the Social Security debacle by allowing people who didn't pay into it to receive checks from it and allowing the federal government to take money from it for other stuff (what FDR envisioned when he founded SS in the '30s was like a 401k that was guarenteed by the federal government. The purpose was to get people to save money for retirement after many were not as a result of the Great Depression wiping out their savings)
Also, at least a few books I've read have said that JFK was planning on pulling out of Vietnam because he realized the war was unwinable. (I'm not sure if that's accurate or not.)
So, regardless of how bad Bush may be, he's not as bad as the alternatives in both elections would have been and he's not even close to the worst president ever.

Not trying to be a fanboy. Of course, it's hard when you own the best console eve... dang it