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Forums - General Discussion - How does George W. Bush sleep at night?

madskillz said:
NightDragon83 said:
stof said:
The fact that there is anyone left on this planet that would still defend Bush and his Republican party scares the ever living crap out of me.

Yeah, damn Republican party.... why'd they have to free the slaves... damn Lincoln, should've never signed that stupid emancipation proclamation. Oh well, it's all good.... the Democrats fixed that by ensuring that 90% of future African-Americans will blindly follow and vote for their party while the very people they vote for continue to hold them back or use them as "victims" for their own race-baiting tactics, like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Im lookin more and more forward to President Hitlary every day... for only she (he? it??) can bring an end to all this lying and corruption by the eeeeeeeeevil BushCheneyMcHaliburton Administration.... oh snap, my sarcasm meter just exploded!

Unfortunately, the Republicans that did all that aren't the same ones that are trying to ax Social Security, keep the war going in Iraq and hate the idea of universal healthcare.

Even Hispanics are defecting to the Dems ...

Blacks would vote for the GOP if they showed them some love and respect. Why did every major GOP hopeful bypass the NAACP debate? They don't take blacks seriously - look at Katrina - and they won't side with the GOP until they treat them with respect.

 Ahhhh the tried and true lie of the left... Bush doesn't care about black people.... do yourself a favor and read a little why don't you? 

The majority of the victims of hurricane Katrina were White/Caucasian, something that the left doesnt want you to know.   Oh, and just wondering...   Who's idea was it to herd about 50,000 poor/lower class african americans into the Louisiana Superdome like a bunch of cattle? Was that Georgieboy's? Or was that Mayor Ray Naggin, a Democrat and African American himself (suprise!)  so spare me the "Bush doesn't care about black people"  line... cuz right there i just proved my previous post that the Democrats will sell out the blacks for their own gain and only see them as useful when they can use them as victims to blame Bush with.

Oh and since you mentioned another famous phrase of teh left... "Universal Health Care"... ive got another one for ya... it's a 2 for 1 manager's special on pwnage tonight

If you're too lazy to actually read the article, here's the first sentence...

  WASHINGTON - Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday she might be willing to garnish the wages of  workers who refuse to buy health insurance to achieve coverage for all Americans.

Lovely, so if I dont want to buy into the governments bullcrap insurance program, too bad for me because they're gonna take MY OWN FUCKIN MONEY FROM ME  so that the so-called "less fortunate" can get their beloved "Universal Health Care".... hmmmm now what does that sound like to you?  Socialism?  Communism?  Naaahhhhh... sounds like a great program and a dream come true for every hard-working American!


Goddamn it!  BRB i have to make a quick trip out to the store, my sarcasm meter just went off like an A-Bomb 

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.

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Mmmm, Bush bashing, or is it simply President bashing? I wonder how much Gore bashing would be going on right now if had been in office for the past eight years. Would people loath him, most certainly. Get over it, it's irrational and childish. All that hate and anger is useless. I shudder to think that in one more year, it all starts over with a different face and a different name. I can only hope that it isn't the candidate I vote for that wins. At this point I guess I really don't care, I don't like any of the candiates. I know with certainty that whoever is elected will do things I do not agree with, that is the only thing that is certain for all of us.

PDF and Escherichia I agree with the president bashing. I remember before Bush took office before he did ANYTHING that people were wearing shirts with his picture on it saying "Not my President"

Wow, lol, at the one ring comment.

A lot of you guys are awefully Secular Progressive and/or Traditionalist to a fault. That's not the same thing as liberal or conservative. Careful not to stray too far, and get into "loon" territory, where you feel it's ok for 13 y.o. kids to get abortions without consulting their parents, or you feel its not ok to use an already deceased fetus for stem cell research.

There are loons on both sides. Don't sweep all republicans in with the far right traditionalist, and don't sweep all the democrats in with the far left sec-progs, because they both have some crazy ideas on how this country should be ran.

Lets just remember, that the best thing for the country is somewhere in the middle.

That said, I don't think George Bush has done a lot of stuff with bad intentions. The stuff he does just ends up bad, usually.

Do I think he sat around and was like "bwahaha, black people should drowned in New Orleans"? Nope, lol. He just acted wrongly. Do I think that the government had something to do with the 9/11 attacks? Hell no, and asserting that is insulting to me. Being a bad decision maker, and being evil satan, are two different things.

Just saying, there are crazies on both sides guys. Don't be cool-aid drinkers for either one. /flameshield

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


woth a huge dose of money and sleeping pills. George bush screwed us up so bad, my god to think he's proven good for the usa you must be off your rocker.



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madskillz said:

@ Bursche

Sorry, but all you have to do is look at the turnouts at primaries to see the Dems are setting record numbers at the polls. Please, don't listen to Fixed NOISE and Bill O'Really. He still doesn't believe there are homeless vets under bridges!

And ... name 5 things that Bush will have for a legacy ... you can take your time on that ...

Also, bro! Comeon with the false information spreading. Where did you get that jibberish, lol?


Bill O'Really said that the reason homeless vets are homeless is because of mental defect and substance addiction, which is, well, 90 percent of the homeless veterans fall into this category.


Our country, however, NEEDS to help these veterans, with money, to get them cleaned up and off the street, I don't care if we have to drag them.


However, yeah, dude, I mean, I'm not a O'Reilly fan either, ya know, but I won't ever flame anyone for something they didn't say. That's all I'm saying. 

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.


Zenfolder is right.

And then you have to take into consideration your other options. Kerry. NO THANKS. or Gore.... FUCK NO

The president isn't about who is the better choice now. It is the lesser of two evils(Who would be best of the worst.)

I'm sorry, but did someone try to justify the Republican party by evoking Abe Lincoln? The Lincoln that CAUSED the Civil War? The one that abused his power more than (almost?) any other president? The man is a sham, his legend a farce, and the only good thing anyone can actually say about him is that he freed the slaves, but he never really wanted to do that in the first place. Hell, members of his own family in the South were slave owners. And to top it off, the values of the Republican party were actually quite differnt until that failure of a president came along.

Here's a small list of powers he took forhimself that weren't granted to any President before, and many are in fact criminal for him to take, as President:

During the Civil War, Lincoln appropriated powers no previous President had wielded: he used his war powers to proclaim a blockade, suspended the writ of habeas corpus, spent money without congressional authorization, and imprisoned 18,000 suspected Confederate sympathizers without trial. Nearly all of his actions, although vehemently denounced by the Copperheads, were subsequently upheld by Congress and the Courts.[citation needed]

I'm sure that Bush would love to be compared to Lincoln. Depite his many failures as a decent leader it's all boiled down to the one good thing he did, and if another person had become President we may never have had a civil war to begin with and it's quite likely the slaves would still have been freed in time, without creating as much racism, and without so much bloodshed. Hell, if a Southerner became President there's essentially no chance the Union would have even come close to breaking up.

Lincoln does not deserve to be admired or respected in any capacity.

That aside, there's still a ton of ridiculousness in this topic. Yes, Bush isn't as much to blame as some people think he is for his problems. He's far more to blame than the people defending him seem to think, though. He and his administrations have mismanaged eveything they've touched and have stolen billions from the American people. He is justifiably a war criminal, and he has made so many mistakes in his administration that he will be remembered as a poor President (though hardly the worst and certainly not the one to do the most illegal things). He doesn't deserve to run the nation, he deserves to sit behind bars for the next 20 years without the possibility of parole. Though his support of illegal torture and his economic/foreign policies are two entirely different matters.

Also, madskills, this is the United States of America. Declaring martial law is beyond polical suicide in these times, no matter what the reason is. To suggest it shows that you aren't in tune with American sentiments.  Also, it would have been completely and totally illegal for martial law to be declared at the time outside of state government affairs (you know, from the state that is accused of not helping its people).  Bush didn't get that power until over a year later, thuse proving once again that Americans are easily scared, controlled, and convinced to give up their rights.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

ZenfoldorVGI said:
madskillz said:

@ Bursche

Sorry, but all you have to do is look at the turnouts at primaries to see the Dems are setting record numbers at the polls. Please, don't listen to Fixed NOISE and Bill O'Really. He still doesn't believe there are homeless vets under bridges!

And ... name 5 things that Bush will have for a legacy ... you can take your time on that ...

Also, bro! Comeon with the false information spreading. Where did you get that jibberish, lol?


Bill O'Really said that the reason homeless vets are homeless is because of mental defect and substance addiction, which is, well, 90 percent of the homeless veterans fall into this category.


Our country, however, NEEDS to help these veterans, with money, to get them cleaned up and off the street, I don't care if we have to drag them.


However, yeah, dude, I mean, I'm not a O'Reilly fan either, ya know, but I won't ever flame anyone for something they didn't say. That's all I'm saying. 

Or we could stop getting into bad wars, thus preventing this and any other veteran problem.  Of course, there's really nothing you can do for these people.  Most of them don't want help so much as a handout, and there's a fairly g0ood chance those people had mental/drug problems long before joining the military.  The U.S. armed forces advertizes itself to the lowest and worst of our society because those are the people who have the most to gain from service time.  Therefore, for as long as we have a standing army and relentless plow it into other nations there will always be masses of displaced veterans that shouldn't have gone and shouldn't have come back after they did.

You do not have the right to never be offended.

Perhaps the legend of Lincoln is somewhat of a farce but to say that he caused the civil war is nonsense.

I agree that a different president "might", and I emphasize "might", have been able to avoid the war, but for how much longer? When Lincoln took office the successionists were much more well organized and prepared than they had been previously and were ready to make good on their threat to succeed rather than honor the democratic process of this country. Lincoln would have liked to skirt the issue, but it blew up in his face and he was presented with the most challenging period of time this country had ever seen.

I say we leave Lincoln out of this and let him stand as the symbol that he has become.

About "bad" wars, are there any other kind?

Are you saying that our U.S. armed forces is composed of the lowest and worst of our society?

I think your being too judgemental and honestly, your interpretation of things offends me.

And I DO have the right to never be offended :)