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Perhaps the legend of Lincoln is somewhat of a farce but to say that he caused the civil war is nonsense.

I agree that a different president "might", and I emphasize "might", have been able to avoid the war, but for how much longer? When Lincoln took office the successionists were much more well organized and prepared than they had been previously and were ready to make good on their threat to succeed rather than honor the democratic process of this country. Lincoln would have liked to skirt the issue, but it blew up in his face and he was presented with the most challenging period of time this country had ever seen.

I say we leave Lincoln out of this and let him stand as the symbol that he has become.

About "bad" wars, are there any other kind?

Are you saying that our U.S. armed forces is composed of the lowest and worst of our society?

I think your being too judgemental and honestly, your interpretation of things offends me.

And I DO have the right to never be offended :)