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Wow, lol, at the one ring comment.

A lot of you guys are awefully Secular Progressive and/or Traditionalist to a fault. That's not the same thing as liberal or conservative. Careful not to stray too far, and get into "loon" territory, where you feel it's ok for 13 y.o. kids to get abortions without consulting their parents, or you feel its not ok to use an already deceased fetus for stem cell research.

There are loons on both sides. Don't sweep all republicans in with the far right traditionalist, and don't sweep all the democrats in with the far left sec-progs, because they both have some crazy ideas on how this country should be ran.

Lets just remember, that the best thing for the country is somewhere in the middle.

That said, I don't think George Bush has done a lot of stuff with bad intentions. The stuff he does just ends up bad, usually.

Do I think he sat around and was like "bwahaha, black people should drowned in New Orleans"? Nope, lol. He just acted wrongly. Do I think that the government had something to do with the 9/11 attacks? Hell no, and asserting that is insulting to me. Being a bad decision maker, and being evil satan, are two different things.

Just saying, there are crazies on both sides guys. Don't be cool-aid drinkers for either one. /flameshield

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.