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madskillz said:
NightDragon83 said:
stof said:
The fact that there is anyone left on this planet that would still defend Bush and his Republican party scares the ever living crap out of me.

Yeah, damn Republican party.... why'd they have to free the slaves... damn Lincoln, should've never signed that stupid emancipation proclamation. Oh well, it's all good.... the Democrats fixed that by ensuring that 90% of future African-Americans will blindly follow and vote for their party while the very people they vote for continue to hold them back or use them as "victims" for their own race-baiting tactics, like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton.

Im lookin more and more forward to President Hitlary every day... for only she (he? it??) can bring an end to all this lying and corruption by the eeeeeeeeevil BushCheneyMcHaliburton Administration.... oh snap, my sarcasm meter just exploded!

Unfortunately, the Republicans that did all that aren't the same ones that are trying to ax Social Security, keep the war going in Iraq and hate the idea of universal healthcare.

Even Hispanics are defecting to the Dems ...

Blacks would vote for the GOP if they showed them some love and respect. Why did every major GOP hopeful bypass the NAACP debate? They don't take blacks seriously - look at Katrina - and they won't side with the GOP until they treat them with respect.

 Ahhhh the tried and true lie of the left... Bush doesn't care about black people.... do yourself a favor and read a little why don't you? 

The majority of the victims of hurricane Katrina were White/Caucasian, something that the left doesnt want you to know.   Oh, and just wondering...   Who's idea was it to herd about 50,000 poor/lower class african americans into the Louisiana Superdome like a bunch of cattle? Was that Georgieboy's? Or was that Mayor Ray Naggin, a Democrat and African American himself (suprise!)  so spare me the "Bush doesn't care about black people"  line... cuz right there i just proved my previous post that the Democrats will sell out the blacks for their own gain and only see them as useful when they can use them as victims to blame Bush with.

Oh and since you mentioned another famous phrase of teh left... "Universal Health Care"... ive got another one for ya... it's a 2 for 1 manager's special on pwnage tonight

If you're too lazy to actually read the article, here's the first sentence...

  WASHINGTON - Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton said Sunday she might be willing to garnish the wages of  workers who refuse to buy health insurance to achieve coverage for all Americans.

Lovely, so if I dont want to buy into the governments bullcrap insurance program, too bad for me because they're gonna take MY OWN FUCKIN MONEY FROM ME  so that the so-called "less fortunate" can get their beloved "Universal Health Care".... hmmmm now what does that sound like to you?  Socialism?  Communism?  Naaahhhhh... sounds like a great program and a dream come true for every hard-working American!


Goddamn it!  BRB i have to make a quick trip out to the store, my sarcasm meter just went off like an A-Bomb 

On 2/24/13, MB1025 said:
You know I was always wondering why no one ever used the dollar sign for $ony, but then I realized they have no money so it would be pointless.