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ZenfoldorVGI said:
madskillz said:

@ Bursche

Sorry, but all you have to do is look at the turnouts at primaries to see the Dems are setting record numbers at the polls. Please, don't listen to Fixed NOISE and Bill O'Really. He still doesn't believe there are homeless vets under bridges!

And ... name 5 things that Bush will have for a legacy ... you can take your time on that ...

Also, bro! Comeon with the false information spreading. Where did you get that jibberish, lol?


Bill O'Really said that the reason homeless vets are homeless is because of mental defect and substance addiction, which is, well, 90 percent of the homeless veterans fall into this category.


Our country, however, NEEDS to help these veterans, with money, to get them cleaned up and off the street, I don't care if we have to drag them.


However, yeah, dude, I mean, I'm not a O'Reilly fan either, ya know, but I won't ever flame anyone for something they didn't say. That's all I'm saying. 

Or we could stop getting into bad wars, thus preventing this and any other veteran problem.  Of course, there's really nothing you can do for these people.  Most of them don't want help so much as a handout, and there's a fairly g0ood chance those people had mental/drug problems long before joining the military.  The U.S. armed forces advertizes itself to the lowest and worst of our society because those are the people who have the most to gain from service time.  Therefore, for as long as we have a standing army and relentless plow it into other nations there will always be masses of displaced veterans that shouldn't have gone and shouldn't have come back after they did.

You do not have the right to never be offended.