Oh the HORRER that was when I was a child.
Anything to do with mortal kombat on the SNES, that was the only game i didnt play coz the music was so scary
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PScollector said: Licker's jumping through windows in resident evil. |
Resident Evil was a fantastically scary game as a kid. You'd always tip toe down the halls, not to get attacked.
I know when I first beat Resident Evil, I went to the bathroom and when I opened the door to leave, my mom was just about to knock on the door to go it.....I almost punched her in the face. Not specific to any moment in the game (except the lickers), but that was a scary game.
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OneHappyGamer:) said: Everyone has some sort of silly fear from video games as a kid. I actually had about 3 that made me so frightened that I would run up to my room and hide under my blankets, and I did this till I was 10 or 11. they were... 1. Starfox 64 bad ending/andross face http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SKVQL1A0zI (skip to 6:40) 2. Mario Kart 64 4th place ending http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKTO0tavDxw 3. Super Mario 64 endless stairs http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=70J8SOX5w64 so what things in video games scared you as a kid? |
I actually share 1 and 3 with you. I also hated that huge ass eel with the menacing face on the water-themed level. That part where you had to get right in front of it to lure it out, then swim right up to its tail without touching it, or instant death... nightmare fuel.
And speaking of nightmare fuel, dat first time you encounter Andross in Starfox 64...
1. Flying down dark, isolated corridors all alone while a creepy old man taunts you. You feel as if you're being pulled along by a leash.
2. Suddenly fly into a pitch black room, and a brief second of silence...
3. A giant gorilla head appears right in front of you and cackles while you vigorously try to fly away from its mouth! Gives you a death stare the entire time.
The first time I saw this, I immediately turned the game off and didn't touch it for a couple of weeks. And it took me a two or three years to work up the balls to face Andross' true form on the hard path. :(
Michael-5 said:
Resident Evil was a fantastically scary game as a kid. You'd always tip toe down the halls, not to get attacked. |
Haha they where great games, I remember being in the RPD Police station in RE2 in the interview room when a licker came flying through the two way mirror..........I lost my shit in a big way.
Water. There wasn't anything more dangerous in videogames than water back then.
That damn nemesis in RE3. I thought that i finally killed it with 2 rocket launches then that mother f@cker came back to life later on.
Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont
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techhunter80 said: Oh the HORRER that was when I was a child. |
lol how the hell did you played this as a kid.
Bet with gooch_destroyer, he wins if FFX and FFX-2 will be at $40 each for the vita. I win if it dont
Sign up if you want to see God Eater 2 get localized!! https://www.change.org/petitions/shift-inc-bring-god-eater-2-to-north-america-2#share
SnakeDrake said:
lol how the hell did you played this as a kid. |
Resident Evil 3 isn't exactly sunshine and rainbows either.