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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - MS abandoning Japan (and others)

Fortunately for me, i don`t intend on buying one, otherwise i would be really sad about this.

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KHlover said:
Multimedialover said:
KHlover said:

So the Xbone will not release in Portugal? Croatia? Czech Republic? Hungary? Poland? Turkey? Some more smaller countries

Basically half of Europe? Smart...

No it wont. his is a Launch day list.

Whos knows what happens Dec 5th.

This is Nov 1st list.

So MS can't even manage to launch the console in all European countries at the same date? You've got to be kidding me...

they are going to have a stock issue at launch because of a chip they decided to put into the xbox, that'll probably be why


This quote tree has been shortened.




restriction in a console that is supposedly to be all about the games??? bullshit,you are doomed.

We buy sth so we can play, not just watch tv/sports

It really seems like they're not trying to compete directly with Nintendo or Sony anymore. Even Nintendo's spotty distribution networks beat that, and those sales will add up

Monster Hunter: pissing me off since 2010.

Seece said:
Might not be a bad idea launching a year later, they're not abandoning Japan, they've just created a studio their to make JRPG's 0_o

Perhaps they want to give it a proper launch with Japanese games.

What studio is that?

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
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outlawauron said:
Seece said:
Might not be a bad idea launching a year later, they're not abandoning Japan, they've just created a studio their to make JRPG's 0_o

Perhaps they want to give it a proper launch with Japanese games.

What studio is that?

"studio osaka", specialized to make games for the japanese market.

and seriosly guys, just because a console doesn't release everywhere at the same time doesn't mean it won't release there later or that microsoft doesn't care about these markets. the amount of consoles they can produce will be the same. if first shipments won't sell out, they will release earlier in other markets. if they will sell out, people would complain in those countries that there weren't enough consoles for their country.

their problem is that they are behind their plans and won't have many consoles at launch. splitting those to 50 countries would be crazy.

I didn't know there was a thread on this already that's why I created one today. So far, this seems to be the number 1 issue. And I don't think the countries I move to every now and then will be supported anytime soon, due to the fact that Xbox live never launched in those countries. I'm talking about Asian and African countries.

Smartest nam evila

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now i dont blame M$ for this move, they sold like 10 x360s there, there is no market for xbox there and japan has made that clear. now i dont think it will help with japanese developers any but i dont think M$ is really going to worry much about it. it makes sense for M$ to make this move, not sony or nintendo for obvious reasons.


Microsoft isn't abandoning Japan, they just made a studio over there! They're just delaying it a bit, look at the launch lineup for the Xbox One. Is there any games the Japanese audience will be excited about? Probably not

Microsoft isn't abandoning most of the countries, they are just giving the launch units to the most successful 360 countries. MS will eventually release in Japan and the other countries. Recall: XBox 360 has only sold 1.6ish million in Japan since release, not even 2 million units! More then half of 360 sales in the US, and a majority of the other half are in Europe/UK.

It's just that simple.