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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - MS abandoning Japan (and others)

I'm glad to see Brazil into the list... over a lot of gamer countries.

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Multimedialover said:
KHlover said:
Multimedialover said:

Guys are all here at VGC either stupid or just playing dumb to suit an agenda???????

This is the countries on Launch day where the One is available.

Why would Microsoft have Live up and running in a country where its not out yet????????

When they release in other countries they will have Liive their.

Wake up VGC!

So the Xbone will not release in Portugal? Croatia? Czech Republic? Hungary? Poland? Turkey? Some more smaller countries

Basically half of Europe? Smart...

No it wont. his is a Launch day list.

Whos knows what happens Dec 5th.

This is Nov 1st list.

So MS can't even manage to launch the console in all European countries at the same date? You've got to be kidding me...

consiedering how much effort and money ms has invested for the 360 in japan
(with games like blue dragon,exclusive MH,deexclusiving ff13) and how poor sales there are.
(between 300-500)
there is no reason for further huge investments in japan.

KHlover said:
slowmo said:
You could argue Japan abandoned Microsoft first to be fair. Pretty sure this is the launch countries listed.

You cannot abandon what you never embraced in the first place.

They wasted a lot of money trying to please the Japanese market last gen and it got them bugger all sales still.  No point releasing there early and having consoles on shelves that could be being sold to consumers who do want the device.  I'm sure they stilll want a portion of the market but catching it will have slipped a long way down Microsoft's priority list after the lessons learned last gen.

DamnTastic said:
Just wondering. If a person in a country that isn't on this list has an XB1. Can they still sync it every 24 hrs? Or is M$ more like fuck you get the 360

That's a good question... maybe they'll say screw it and tell you to get a PS4.

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slowmo said:
You could argue Japan abandoned Microsoft first to be fair. Pretty sure this is the launch countries listed.

The xbox 360 had the most killer japanese line up between 2007-2009, far japanese styled games than the wii or ps3.  The japanese  public still gave zero fucks and ignored the console because its name/brand.

slowmo said:
KHlover said:
slowmo said:
You could argue Japan abandoned Microsoft first to be fair. Pretty sure this is the launch countries listed.

You cannot abandon what you never embraced in the first place.

They wasted a lot of money trying to please the Japanese market last gen and it got them bugger all sales still.  No point releasing there early and having consoles on shelves that could be being sold to consumers who do want the device.  I'm sure they stilll want a portion of the market but catching it will have slipped a long way down Microsoft's priority list after the lessons learned last gen.

That's kind of what I wanted to express. Japan cannot "abandon" the Xbox brand, since they never accepted it in the first place.

That's got to be the launch list. I'm assuming The One will be released into more countries later on.

yo_john117 said:
That's got to be the launch list. I'm assuming The One will be released into more countries later on.

If it doesn't bomb at launch ;-D

slowmo said:
yo_john117 said:
That's got to be the launch list. I'm assuming The One will be released into more countries later on.

If it doesn't bomb at launch ;-D

There is always that possibility

Although they really don't need to release it in many other countries because of the lack of stable internet in most of them so I would guess it would absolutely bomb in those.