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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Will Zelda Wii U be dumbed down and wasted like Mario 3D ?

Yes. But since your definition and my definition of Wii U's 3D Mario (Me knowing that it isn't a waste.) differ, then I guess that's a no.

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the game HAS multiplayer =/= being multiplayer. and the rest is just hater lies

I think Super Mario 3D World will be mad fun unless you will only find fun in cinematic experiences and gimmicks. The two Galaxy games were very gimmicky but the 3D Land shows NIntendo's genius in level design even if it was rushed. I believe 3D World will do the same with hopefully less repeats. The differences in characters shows that they are considering different gameplay experiences without relying on a cool exciting scenery.

My Hummingbird

3DS Friend Code: 047387541842

I cannot take you seriously with that headliner.Furthermore, to claim that the 3D Mario games looks like a McDonald video game is just childish and ignorant.

Hey at least its something new and Nintendo isn't relying on year old ports of mediocre PC games to push sales.
Oh and the multiplayer will be free of charge unlike the other 2 consoles

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Firstly, the 3ds marioland game was one of the best Mario games in recent memory so, no, a follow up to it isn't a bad thing, even though I don't like the multi player aspect and wish it was a 3 ds game...the potential for greatness is there so ill reserve my judgement until the game releases.
Secondly, why do you assume this is nintendos, and the wii u's, follow up to Galaxy? I get the impression this is one of nintendos ' quick fix' titles ie something they churn out quickly to fill the void while they take time to develop their bigger, more ambitious games. The wii u needs games ASAP, in case you hadn't noticed. I'm sure there will still be a 'Proper' 3d Mario game ala galaxy in the pipelines, just not in the next year. I don't get the negativity.

I might be in denial but I still feel like Retro has a 2nd team working on Metroid and 3D Mario is like Wind Waker HD in the way thats its just meant to hold us over.

Ive mentioned in the past that I thought a 3D Land 2 would release for 3DS holiday 2013 or 2014. Well I think its possible that they switched development to Wii U when they realized Mario Universe wouldnt be ready in time.

As for Retro, I feel like with them hiring people from Vigil, Naughty Dog and I believe Crytek recently theres no way DKC is all they have in store for us. Im guessing they have a 2nd team laying the groundwork for Metroid and once DKC is complete both teams will work 100% on it.

I have no doubt in my mind the new Zelda will be amazing and hopefully similar to the tech demo.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.

You have nothing to worry about, they have a lot of resources reserved for a proper Mario and 3DWorld wasn't it. Stay calm, and don't panic.

I thought 3D World looked like a lot of fun.

Love and tolerate.

happydolphin said:
You have nothing to worry about, they have a lot of resources reserved for a proper Mario and 3DWorld wasn't it. Stay calm, and don't panic.

I sincerely hope you are right.


Hopefully not. Just don't let Miyamoto touch it with a 10 foot pole.