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I might be in denial but I still feel like Retro has a 2nd team working on Metroid and 3D Mario is like Wind Waker HD in the way thats its just meant to hold us over.

Ive mentioned in the past that I thought a 3D Land 2 would release for 3DS holiday 2013 or 2014. Well I think its possible that they switched development to Wii U when they realized Mario Universe wouldnt be ready in time.

As for Retro, I feel like with them hiring people from Vigil, Naughty Dog and I believe Crytek recently theres no way DKC is all they have in store for us. Im guessing they have a 2nd team laying the groundwork for Metroid and once DKC is complete both teams will work 100% on it.

I have no doubt in my mind the new Zelda will be amazing and hopefully similar to the tech demo.

When the herd loses its way, the shepard must kill the bull that leads them astray.