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Firstly, the 3ds marioland game was one of the best Mario games in recent memory so, no, a follow up to it isn't a bad thing, even though I don't like the multi player aspect and wish it was a 3 ds game...the potential for greatness is there so ill reserve my judgement until the game releases.
Secondly, why do you assume this is nintendos, and the wii u's, follow up to Galaxy? I get the impression this is one of nintendos ' quick fix' titles ie something they churn out quickly to fill the void while they take time to develop their bigger, more ambitious games. The wii u needs games ASAP, in case you hadn't noticed. I'm sure there will still be a 'Proper' 3d Mario game ala galaxy in the pipelines, just not in the next year. I don't get the negativity.